SG-1 squee

Jan 24, 2007 12:50

This episode made me squee a lot. I enjoy alternate universes so to see them realized in an episode is always great. And I really liked Sam here.

The universe was interesting because it was so close to the regular SG-1 timeline, but still kind of creepy with the SGC military having taken over like that. I mean, it was creepy because they weren't "evil" or anything, and the AU!Landry did have a point that by keeping the Stargate secret like they do Sam's superiors aren't exactly poster children for the democratic process either. (I mean, didn't our SGC "vanish" some people who threatened to make it public?)

Anyway, Lorne as head of SG-1 really surprised me, but it made sense with no Atlantis and the bitter Vet!Cam (who was awesome!). And Rodney as a dotcom millionaire! The scenes with him and Sam were a lot of fun. The way Sam told him that his ex-wife was dead at least matched Rodney in its bluntness and lack of social tact though.

And Sam kind of messed up the poor guy's life, didn't she? With Rodney now being pressured to work for the SGC? Though I guess he's going to have more fun developing technology from alien artifacts, especially with many (or even most?) people not having electricity for computers anymore for the foreseeable future because all power is needed for the planet hiding device, which kind of puts a crimp into any software business. I mean, unless Rodney manages to solve the power problems.

Anyway, the AU!Rodney was adorable.

Still, I squeed even more during the conversation Sam had with her team after she came back when it became clear that they talked to the empty room, assuming she was still there to keep her company!

tv: squee, stargate, tv, squee, reviews, tv: reviews, stargate: squee, stargate: reviews

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