Okay. I chose to do the lyrics table over at
drabble_rikkai. Table:
Let's conspire to re-ignite I love all the dirty tricks
your time is now Paradise comes at a price Means are right for taking
we gamble to be born again Tomorrow's only a king nothing in my dream that isn't creepy crawling
Daylight bores the sunshine out of me
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Yanagi smiles slightly.
Kirihara traces an illegible message onto the tabletop with the tip of his finger. "Me too. You think we met before?"
Yanagi tilts his head slightly. "The probability is slim."
Akaya blinks. "Oh. And the probability's the same of meeting again next time?"
"I believe so."
Kirihara pouts, face half-hidden in his arms. "Sucks."
"Wha? Oh. ...Nothin'."
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