I want to gush for a minute and say that I have the best boyfriend in the world. I've been having a rough week anticipating the trial of my newly arrived BiPAP (an upcoming post in itself), so on Monday night, after he had worked all day and done his laundry, Aaron drove the 2.5 hours to my house to help me through my first night. (Un)fortunately,
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Comments 6
I agree that Sephora is most likely made up. I've never heard of no Sephora in no Bible that I've ever not actually read. I prefer to have Steven Colbert read the Bible and then tell me what I need to know.
Although the make-up is a perfect blend of Jewish tradition and Greek culture and ceremony...just like Christianity.
Cannibalism: see also, eucharist (actually taken from an old encyclopedia).
I once watched a show on the History Channel -- I think -- that claimed there had been a study done where they examined the Host once it had been blessed -- the Eucharist -- and it had traces of human skin in it. I wonder, though, if that was just left over from the priest's hands.
It's an awesome picture, though (I'm not in it). And you can clearly see everything in the restaurant behind you...and you look completely glamorous...so there's a clever conflict between person and location...yet it works.
In the Greek Mystery cults, some of them had members rip a bull apart and eat it with their hands. This eventually led to eating part of the leader to be one with him. And eventually eating bread that turns into Him.
"Start your day off the holy way with Christ Chex." -- Name the comedian.
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