Dear Author

Feb 16, 2014 17:51

Please use this space to link to your Dear Author letter. Participants may want to read through to provide treats!

In your comment, please state your AO3 user name and link to your letter (and, for optional easy browsing, the fandoms you've requested), which may be hosted anywhere. If all optional details required are listed in your sign up, you may note this as well.

Remember that author letters are not just for one person! These letters help your writer include things that you enjoy! These letters help your writer avoid triggers, squicks, and stuff you just plain don't like! These letters help random people decide to participate, or to gift a treat to you! These letters help YOU have a great rarewomen experience!

Edit 2-18: If you find the comments overwhelming and want to find someone or something specific, somehowunbroken has volunteered to maintain a spreadsheet for us! Check it out here!

admin, rarewomen2014, letters

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