Signups are OPEN!

Feb 16, 2014 17:45

Sign-ups will run from now until March 2nd, roughly midnight CST (but we will provide in-comm warning).

From the FAQ:

By signing up, the user agrees to:
-- Request 3 (three) to 6 (six) fandoms and 1 (one) to 10 (ten) women per fandom drawn from the nomination set
-- Offer 3 (three) to 10 (ten) fandoms and 1 (one) to 20 (twenty) women per fandom
[A note on the AO3 sign up process: On the AO3 request/offer page, each user will be asked to select a fandom from those nominated, and from that fandom select "any", or up to 10/20 names from those nominated. Please err on the side of offering and requesting as MANY women as you feel comfortable with as options make matching easier. Matching is also done via OR rather than AND, therefore listing many women opens you up to anyone who offered any one of them (rather than trying to find someone who listed them all).]
-- Write a story of at least 1k (1,000) words focused on at least one rare woman listed in the generated assignment
-- In the event that the user CANNOT complete a story, they must:
To drop out without penalty: use the AO3 function on their assignments page
To receive a new assignment because the one they received was generated in error: contact the mods AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
To drop out with penalty: use the AO3 function. After April 20, unless accompanied by a note of medical/personal emergency, the user will be placed on the ban list for 2015

Also applicable: 7) What sort of stories can I request?
While remembering that aside from at least ONE match on ONE character, optional details are optional (but encouraged), you may request gen, femslash, het, poly, incest, RPF... it's all good. You can note that you'd like to see your rare woman/women paired with NON-rare women, or men, as long as the requested rare woman is the CENTER and FOCUS of the request and resulting fic. While background men, male narratives, and slash are not forbidden by any means, we encourage requests and fic to focus as much as possible on the WOMEN. After all, this is a women-themed exchange!

To sign up, use this link:

For a how-to pictoral, click here:

Please, strongly consider including optional details and/or a link to a dear author letter in your sign-up. This is not only a courtesy to your author, a guideline for anxious writers who want to write something their recipient will enjoy and not be triggered by, but a safeguard for you! Talk about what you like in stories, what you like about the women you're requesting! For the Dear Author links post, head in this direction:

sign ups, rarewomen2014

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