[Greetings from our brand new mod account!]
Okay everyone, the Christmas "Secret Santa" fic exchange is here! :D So now it's time to lay down the law:
1. You must write either a ficlet of at least 500 words (no more than 1000) or 3 drabbles of at least 100 words each pertaining to your assignment.
2. Fics must not be rated higher than R. Please be tasteful and mindful of your recipient's wishes.
3. Obviously, you may only request/write about rare pairs.
4. All fics must be beta-read before submission. If you need someone to beta-read your fic(s), you can PM us (
rarepairs_mod) to beta-read it for you. However, we would prefer not to beta more than three submissions.
Send in your fics to rarepair.shorts.mod[AT] with subject line "RPS Fic Exchange (your username)" no later than December 15. If you really, absolutely need an extension, CONTACT US first - but we can only guarantee you about a few days, since ideally we want to begin posting the fics around Christmas. There really should be no need for an extension anyway, since this is simply a drabble/ficlet exchange.
As far as dropping out goes... just please don't. Don't sign up if you know you won't have the time to write a quality fic for your recipient. If you do drop out of the exchange, you will not receive your gift - it will either be regifted or posted to the community for everyone. (We will, of course, check in with writers to make sure that this is okay with them, if need be.)
Reply to this post with the following form:
a. your username:
b. top three pairings you'd like to receive: (your claim can count as one, if you'd like)
c. specific things you want: (i.e. give prompts, ideas, etc.)
d. specific things you DON'T want:
e. are you willing to write slash/femmeslash?
f. characters/genres you like to write:
g. characters/genres you CAN'T write:
h. username of a friend who knows what you like:
(Copy the form here:)
a. your username:b. top three pairings you'd like to receive: (your claim can count as one, if you'd like)
c. specific things you want: (i.e. give prompts, ideas, etc.)
d. specific things you DON'T want: e. are you willing to write slash/femmeslash?f. characters/genres you like to write:g. characters/genres you CAN'T write: h. username of a friend who knows what you like: Sign-ups close November 21. Assignments will be sent out shortly after that.
Optional prompt for fic(s): the beautiful side of evil
Also, don't be afraid to tackle a prompt from our Christmas-themed prompt table! :)
If you have any questions, PM us or leave a comment.
If you are having trouble with your assignment once it has been sent to you, please do not comment about it on this post. Comments are not screened, so it would be better if you emailed us. That way, you can maintain your anonymity, because this is an anonymous exchange.
Just an additional note: You may be worrying about the amount of time that you have to write; it probably seems pretty short. But we figured that, as all you have to write is 500 words, it wouldn't be too bad. If everyone ends up turning fics in late, however, we will probably be a bit more lenient about it.
Remember to tell your friends! The more the merrier!