MOD Announcement: Wishlist Event 2017

May 08, 2017 10:01

Save the date! rarepair_shorts Wishlist Event: June 1, 2017 - August 31, 2017
Similar to the style of one that we had last year in 2016, the 2017 Wishlist event will run from 1st of June to 31st of August.

On May 15th, the "Sign up" post will go up where members will be encouraged to fill in their wishlist of stories/drabbles they'd like with their favourite rare pairs! Your comments will be screened until May 30th. On May 31st, all the wishlists will be revealed. Details as far as granting wishes will be given at that time.

There is no obligation in this event. If you post a wishlist, you don't need to grant other people's wishes; similarly, if you don't post a wishlist, you may still grant others' wishes.


HARRY POTTER'S 2017 Wishlist Event!
Focusing on rare pairs from the HP universe!
Sign ups begin: May 15th
Wishlist revealed: May 31st
Posting for all members (new and old): June 1 - August 31">

HARRY POTTER'S 2017 Wishlist Event!
Focusing on rare pairs from the HP universe!
Sign ups begin: May 15th
Wishlist revealed: May 31st
Posting for all members (new and old): June 1 - August 31

If you have questions, please ask below!

.wishlists: summer 2017, !mod post

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