Fiction. Sapphire & Steel. Silver/Steel

Dec 29, 2007 14:17

TITLE: For Now
AUTHOR: Ashleigh Anpilova
FANDOM: Sapphire & Steel
PAIRING: Silver/Steel
GENRE: Slash
SUB-GENRE: Established Relationship
SUMMARY: A sequel to Consequences. Steel finds Silver.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: // either side of words, indicate when the characters are communicating with one another telepathically.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time.


The thunder roared around them.

Steel silenced him with a kiss.

And Silver knew. Felt it. Sensed it. Read it.

Steel let him. Made him.

"I didn't betray you. You know that, don't you?"

Steel looked at him. "Yes. I know."

"But 'They' still think I did. Don't they? Don’t they, Steel?"

The thunder roared again, drowning out Steel's verbal reply. However, it couldn't down out the telepathy. //Yes.//

"What now?"

"Now, I get you home."

//And then?//

//And then I will -//

The time Steel didn't send the message telepathically. This time he let the thunder drown him out.

Silver let it crash around him.

Let it deafen him.

Let it envelope him.

Let it keep him from hearing.

Let it keep him from hearing Steel's silence.

And then everything ceased.

//I will save you.//

//I know.// For the first time ever, Silver lied to his lover.

fiction, fandom: sapphire & steel, author: nakeisha, pairing: silver/steel

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