Pushing weight

Mar 31, 2009 19:28

It looks like this month I started with a trend of around 202, and ended the month trending at 194. An 8-pound drop over the month of March, about the same loss as February. No complaints from me on that front, so I'll carry on. I'm down almost 30 pounds from the start of the year, which ain't too shabby. Shiny graphs justify my obsessive daily ( Read more... )

weight management, health

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Comments 1

phoenixfirewolf April 1 2009, 04:19:52 UTC
Dude that's awesome! Congrats :) Thought of doing swimming to help once you get to a good weight?

I'm not sure if I'm losing weight or not since I haven't kept track. I am losing flab though. My top two abs are making themselves known and I'm fitting comfortably into jeans that were tight a couple of months ago.


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