Sasquan All Hands

Jun 03, 2015 10:51

Last weekend was the All Hands meeting for Sasquan, which is the World Science Fiction Convention being held in Spokane in August. Ulrika O'Brien and I went as part of the fanzine lounge team (I'm the area head), and we were joined at the last minute by Suzle, who had been asked if she could help wrangle the function space in various hotels ( Read more... )

fandom, conventions, worldcon

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Comments 12

del_c June 3 2015, 18:23:28 UTC
I haven't seen Nathan Filion's, and I didn't like Michael Keaton's. Keaton's was too much like Beetlejuice.

I could imagine liking the role played like Captain Hammer.


randy_byers June 3 2015, 20:11:58 UTC
I'd say great minds think alike, but I actually had to look up Captain Hammer.


kalimac June 3 2015, 21:21:37 UTC
Filion played it a little like Captain Hammer. Less pompous and more blustery, but somewhere in the same vicinity. It was, IMHO, the best Dogberry ever.


kalimac June 3 2015, 21:27:46 UTC
Wrangle function space: That's what I'd like to do for a con, specifically figuring out what spaces to use and what goes where. Scheduling Mythcons is some of the most enjoyable work I've ever done.

I drove through Leavenworth once. With my jaw dropping, mostly.

Fanzine lounge next to bar: very wise idea.

A discussion of Susan Wood: also a good idea. I was surprised a few years ago when Cheryl Morgan confessed to not having heard of her. Cheryl won't be there, of course, but she's surely not the only one.

That concert is in November, so the sign should still be there at Worldcon time. Hah!


randy_byers June 4 2015, 15:02:40 UTC
I believe a new collection of Wood's writing is also in the works.


wrdnrd June 4 2015, 02:32:14 UTC
Just an FYI, now that i am home (and marginally recovered) from That Fucking Con, the plan is to haul out the contraption and see if it still contrapts reasonably well. News as events warrant!!

(HAHA, at the Wrdnrd who thought they'd be hauling it out and testing it over the holidays. Oh, silly Past Wrdnrd!)


randy_byers June 4 2015, 15:05:57 UTC
Hey, I hope That Fucking Con was fun. I've only heard good things so far.

I actually think the steam-powered mimeograph idea has been abandoned at this point, because I don't seem to have any actual interest in making it happen. It was a good idea, but not for me. So Past Wrdnrd was in fact wise to procrastinate!


wrdnrd June 4 2015, 17:02:44 UTC
Y'know, this is probably all for the best, because last night when i got to looking at my mimeo supplies i realized all over again just how scanty supplies are at the moment. I still have only what i inherited from Suzle and Jerry. I'm not sure how many stencils are left, and there's very little Akshual mimeo paper. I need to start haunting eBay for this stuff -- unfortunately, all the OTHER old mimeo hounds are ALSO haunting eBay for this stuff ( ... )


randy_byers June 4 2015, 17:10:00 UTC
Ha! Fans can be so critical, yet so forgiving.

Anyway, all I'm going by is what I saw on Facebook, which was generally enthusiastic.


WOOF anonymous July 18 2015, 04:20:43 UTC
Should WOOFzines be collated and stapled?

Laurraine Tutihasi


Re: WOOF randy_byers July 18 2015, 14:04:35 UTC
Hi, Laurraine. Yes, that's the expectation. Andy Hooper is the OE this year, so you should contact him for details.


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