Sasquan All Hands

Jun 03, 2015 10:51

Last weekend was the All Hands meeting for Sasquan, which is the World Science Fiction Convention being held in Spokane in August. Ulrika O'Brien and I went as part of the fanzine lounge team (I'm the area head), and we were joined at the last minute by Suzle, who had been asked if she could help wrangle the function space in various hotels ( Read more... )

fandom, conventions, worldcon

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wrdnrd June 4 2015, 17:02:44 UTC
Y'know, this is probably all for the best, because last night when i got to looking at my mimeo supplies i realized all over again just how scanty supplies are at the moment. I still have only what i inherited from Suzle and Jerry. I'm not sure how many stencils are left, and there's very little Akshual mimeo paper. I need to start haunting eBay for this stuff -- unfortunately, all the OTHER old mimeo hounds are ALSO haunting eBay for this stuff.

I am ... a bit surprised you've heard only good things, honestly. I guess, having started in my position right in the middle of last summer, i am inclined to expect the worst. :/ Although the post-mortem panel at WisCon was nowhere NEAR as bad as i had been led to believe it would be from concom old hands. Sure, people were upset about how our Con Suite changed, BUT to my surprise and delight, once i explained the challenges the Con Suite faced this year (to wit: we had only THREE WEEKS to pull that whole thing together), people were not only understanding of some of our flaws, they actually APPLAUDED. Weird!


randy_byers June 4 2015, 17:10:00 UTC
Ha! Fans can be so critical, yet so forgiving.

Anyway, all I'm going by is what I saw on Facebook, which was generally enthusiastic.


wrdnrd June 10 2015, 07:00:09 UTC
That's really great to hear, tho'! So easy to get caught up in the behind-the-scenes, where all you can see are the little flaws, that it's hard to see when people are honestly having fun.


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