Muddled thinking about movie blogging

Jan 07, 2011 09:45

Yesterday I went back through my 2010 posts on film -- and I didn't make it all the way, because I wrote a lot about film in 2010. I liked a fair number of my more ambitious posts, and it got me thinking -- again -- about trying to make my film writing more accessible. I block search engines on my LiveJournal just to make it slightly harder for the ( Read more... )

film, livejournal, writing

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Comments 24

replyhazy January 7 2011, 18:52:17 UTC
1. I love your film writing.

2. Somebody (maybe Hal?) posted recently that they backed up their LJ to a Wordpress blog. Maybe it's not just a mass export tool. Maybe you can pick and choose.

3. I have a separate dye blog from my LJ blog. The writing is different to an extent... and I don't update it as often... but because it's easily accessible via google I've had some very interesting people contact me to talk about dye work. So I do recommend that path.


randy_byers January 7 2011, 18:57:19 UTC
Yes, Hal did write about that transfer process recently. Moving to a stand-alone blog opens a whole new can of worms for me, since I would have to think about acquiring a domain. I'm also not clear on how to handle photos/screencaps on a blog. LiveJournal's built-in process is nice.


replyhazy January 7 2011, 19:32:34 UTC
I'm going to send you a cap of the Wordpress new post page, fyi, so you can see it. There do seem to be some pretty simple tools to embed images in your posts.

Domains are pretty cheap...


jophan January 7 2011, 19:49:19 UTC
Why couldn't you blog on itself?


voidampersand January 7 2011, 20:46:42 UTC
You could publish a fanzine. Everything on gets indexed.


randy_byers January 7 2011, 20:59:06 UTC
I already publish a fanzine, and I actually prefer HTML to PDF as an internet-publishing format.


wrdnrd January 7 2011, 23:37:19 UTC
I already publish a fanzine

But do you publish enough fanzines?? You could squeeze another one or 2 in there, surely!


randy_byers January 7 2011, 23:42:15 UTC
You must be mistaking me for Chris Garcia.


kalimac January 8 2011, 02:39:46 UTC
I thought about separating my writing out into two LJs, but then I wondered how many people would follow the other one. Global f'locking is possible, but then you have to leave it that way, and unlock each post you want to have open individually.


randy_byers January 8 2011, 03:04:37 UTC
I doubt many people would read a film blog by me, but I think there would be stuff in it interesting to a rare few, which might be enough. I know I appreciate it when I stumble upon amateur reviews of oddball old Hollywood films.


anonymous January 8 2011, 08:26:19 UTC
Sounds like your last self-suggestion might work best, but then I haven't read any of the comments yet. [RD in anon mode]


reverendjim January 19 2011, 17:25:34 UTC
Yeah, I was thinking of the last system reading this; but you have thought of it. If you do end up setting up a separate blog for film stuff stick links on here or I'll keep forgetting to look at it. Which would be wrong.
Oh, and while you're at it, you can set up your beer blog.


randy_byers January 19 2011, 17:28:52 UTC
I'm worried that my LJ and Facebook will become just a series of links to my blog. But I'm also thinking I could stick other reviews, including beer "reviews", on the blog. It's just that most of my reviews would be of film. We'll see how it pans out.


reverendjim January 20 2011, 10:22:44 UTC
Hm, a combined beer and film review blog sounds just the sort of thing I want to read. Of course the big problem now is what you're going to call it...



randy_byers January 20 2011, 16:29:17 UTC
I think I'll stick with Dry Ice Factory for the name of the blog. I've been using it for various things since I first heard the song it comes from, which was many moons ago. As for the domain name, that's still sekrit.


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