Muddled thinking about movie blogging

Jan 07, 2011 09:45

Yesterday I went back through my 2010 posts on film -- and I didn't make it all the way, because I wrote a lot about film in 2010. I liked a fair number of my more ambitious posts, and it got me thinking -- again -- about trying to make my film writing more accessible. I block search engines on my LiveJournal just to make it slightly harder for the uninitiated to find the personal writing here. Mostly I'm not eager for my family to find this. I prefer to interact with them on Facebook.

So how do I make my film writing discoverable by search engines but not my other LJ writing? I could start a separate LJ dedicated to film writing (and maybe other non-personal writing too). I could Friends-lock all my personal writing on this journal and unblock the journal as a whole from search engines. One problem I have with the latter solution is the amount of work it would take to go through my whole journal Friends-locking personal posts. The problem I have with the former solution is the amount of work it would take to transfer my past film writing to a new location. On the other hand, I could just start a film journal from scratch and forget all my fucking-brilliant past work. But then I also worry that if I started writing about film for an anonymous (i.e., open) audience, I would start over-thinking it. As I am probably over-thinking this whole issue right here, right now.

And so once more inertia wraps me in its ample arms.

I suppose another option would be to Friends-lock all my past posts in this journal (there's a way to do it globally, isn't there?), unblock the search engines, and then write unlocked posts going forward that I don't mind being searchable. I could unlock past posts on film as I had the time and interest in doing so. Hm.

film, livejournal, writing

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