
Feb 06, 2009 12:00

Thought I'd share some exciting pics of Headington with y'all. :)

This is my garden at about 8am this morning.

This is Alice enjoying how pretty everything is.

This is Harry and Barry. They are unimpressed with the cold, but I'm hoping they'll survive it!

My To-Do List for being 26
This was requested by the pretty pub_girl who is very pretty and therefore here it is.

1) Go to at least two countries. As discussed in my last post, am already halfway there

2) Attend gym regularly. Also discussed in last post

3) Learn German. I've been moaning for years about how I can't speak any other languages, so figured I'd give it a go. As I said, my cousin lives in Berlin now, so that seemed like a good excuse.

4) Get to next pay bracket at work. I think I should be able to manage this, there are two levels of publishing editor where I work, obviously not having been there very long, I'm the bottom level, but I don't think there's a huge amount of difference in terms of skills or workload.

5) Start playing the Clarinet again. I've been meaning to do this for ages. It's difficult though, because I don't like practising when my housemates are in and they're in a lot. I would like to join an orchestra, but all the Oxford ones (even the amateurs) are too high a standard for me. Will see, though.

6) Have a decent Birthday! This one's in here mainly because last years was such a train wreck! Also I'll know whether I've managed it or not in a couple of weeks.

7) Read more. I don't read anywhere near enough these days.

8) Try and keep room a bit tidier. Yeah, enough said about that.

9) Put some cash into savings. I've spent the last few years draining what was left of my savings and not putting a huge amount back in. Now I'm earning properly, I should be able to put something aside for that ever anticipated rainy day.
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