A week with the Roth's. Wait, who?

Aug 18, 2013 13:47

Had the urge to play the Roth family after making over their genderswapped counterparts and discovering the stupid roof. I mean, seriously, wtf is this?

Morty was rattling around the house, all on his lonesome so I sent him off to the gym to get the body point he needed for promotion. But instead of working, he decided he'd rather cheer on Amber Louie, the woman who owns the town.

Morty: HAHA jelly legs!
Don't mock her. She owns 92 businesses, she's a very powerful lady.

He did get that body point.

I also sent him to test out Le Magnifique.

Back home, the family were all hankering for a pet, so I adopted Rum, who is one of Danny and Sarah Crittur's puppies.

Sandra wanted a parrot too, so meet Piper.

Animal Adoption Lady: Hey, got your puppy.
Sandra: *instantly neglects Piper*
Piper: Fuck this shit, I'm outta here.

I'm sorry Piper, but you just can't compete. I mean look, he's so little and cute!

I wonder if she can see her original counterpart?
Stella: Nah, just stars.

Sandra and Xander lucked out and got to miss school.

So I sent them to the roller rink.

*simultaneous pratfalls*

The roller rink was pretty deserted, so I then sent them to Hunter's park, which as you can see, isn't affected by the snow.

Tina: Hey, I caught a fish!
Xander: Just you wait, I'll catch one too.

Xander: I'll dive in and grab it with my bare hands.

Back home, Morty and Stella tried out their brand new super bouncy bed.

They were acquainted with the Greenmans, so I invited them over to bond and play chess.

Jules: This'll teach you steal my boyfriend.

Stella wanted a date, so she and Morty went back to Le Magnifique and blended in with the staff.

Stella: Nooooo, my infamous red dress!

The server then went and dropped another tray on this guy. I may have to cheat him some body points.
Server: Oopsie.

Morty: I'll just take a quick sponge bath while I'm here.
What? No, Morty. Inappropriate. MORTIMER GOTH WOULD NOT DO THAT SHIT.

How old are you?

Stella: Great date, hubby. Shake?
Morty: I would've preferred a snog, but OK.


And before I could command him to do anything else, he hit her with a water balloon.

Stella: Hgbbbl my dress!
Morty: Bwahaha! Revenge is sweet!

And yet somehow this still happened.

They celebrated their dream date with some woohoo.

Stella wanted a new car, so I splurged and got her a super-fancy one. Enjoy!
Stella: Oh I will.

Go away, Jules.
Jules: I just want to have a look at their newspaper, nothing wrong with that.
You want to take a look at him at home and never return it, am I right?
Jules: ...Maaaaaaybe.

Stella wanted to make throw a party, so I invited over the Burbs, who abandoned their newborn twins and came over.

Piper: *ruins party by dropping dead*

Lucy: Who wants the ball?
Xander: Me! Me!
Wolf: No, ME.

Don't you two have guests?
Morty: Are they going to join us?
...No, I don't have a mod for that.
Morthy: Then we don't care.

Sandra: Hey, wanna cheer me on while I thrash Lucy at SSX3?
Violet: Nothing would give me greater pleasure.

Sandra: Hey Lucy! TV screen's this way, loser!

Lucy: Who was that you were calling a loser, loser?
Sandra: Noooo!

Not a bad party. I guess everyone enjoyed watching Sandra get her arse handed to her.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, she finally discovered the decomposing body of her dead parrot.
Sandra: WAH!

Sophia: Who wants me to play some tunes?
No-one. It's 3am. Go home.

Their guests left such a huge mess downstairs that the family were forced to trek up to the third floor to eat breakfast the next morning.
Stella: Good thing I wasn't wearing my heels, going up all those stairs.

Morty: Hey, Sandra. *fart*
Sandra: Gross, dad. I had my mouth open.

I got Sandra a new parrot. Meet Piper the Second, because I am nothing if not original.
Xander: It's even better than the old parrot!

Morty went out and brought everyone mobile phones because trying to build everyone's friendships was getting annoying.
Stella: Wait, this isn't a pillow stuffed with Don Lothario's chest hair? Way to let a gal down.

Xander brought Tina Traveller home from school.

And Rum grew up.

Sandra: To bee or not to bee?
I was saving that joke for Veronaville and now you've ruined it. Thanks a bunch.

Rum does not approve of this woman.
Rum: Go back to work, shopgirl.

Deven Patel came home with Xander and they spent an enjoyable afternoon pretending to kill each other.


I actually brought a gnome in the hope that Jules would steal that instead, but Deven tried to make off with it instead.
Morty: And to think I let you into my home!
Townie: You should be ashamed of yourself.
Deven: But I like gnomes. :(

I guess he managed to get it eventually.

What!? How can you be dead already!? I fed you ten minutes ago!

Sandra: Boo hoo hoo. *immediately buys Piper the Third*

Considering how awful his parents are, I'm quite pleased at how well behaved Rum is. This is actually the first destructive thing he's tried doing (he got yelled at for it).

Morty: Quick, he might go for our bed next, let's enjoy it while we can!

Morty: Here, son. I brought it several days ago and forgot to give it to you.
Xander: Hooray for non-perishable gifts.

Next day was the weekend, which means family time. So Stella abandoned the family and got drunk instead.
Stella: There's no way I'm doing THAT sober.

What, bowling? But bowling's super fun!

Xander: No it isn't.
Don't sass me, kid. It's not my fault the timer tanked on the journey here.

Stella: Hurry up, Phoenix Wright, I haven't got all day.

Later on that day, Stella wanted to go on a date, so she "borrowed" her mother's new car to take Jacob Martin out for a drive.
Stella: I hope Jules see us.
I don't. There wouldn't be enough gnomes in the world to sate her rage.

Sandra: A touching romantic photo.
Sandra: I think I'll send it to Jules.
Do you even like this guy or are you just with him to annoy her?

I guess that answers that for me.

Sandra: -Until the librarian kicked me out!
Jacob: Oh my God, that's a terrible joke. Why would anybody do that!?
Are you sure this relationship's worth all those stolen gnomes and newspapers?


I think Xander had nature as his OTH? Pretty sure that's why I made him be the family gardener.

Nanny: You need a decent meal after all that hard work, so make sure you eat up your caramel waffles.
Xander: Caramel waffles for lunch? Can we keep this nanny forever?

Morty: And make sure you wash behind your ears, young lady.
WTF Morty, get out!

Oh, and meet Piper the Third. I chose a different colour for him than the other two and he's survived twice as long. I have no idea if that's significant.

Stella, wouldn't it be a better idea to do that in your everyday outfit instead of in your silky nighty?
Stella: No way, I already got food and water all over it, I don't want dog hair on it too.

So I was watching Morty play a game when my daughter asked me exactly what he was doing. And I explained that he's playing The Sims 3. And she wondered if maybe the sims in his game were also playing The Sims and maybe they were playing The Sims too, so I was playing a sim who was playing a sim who was playing a sim who was playing a sim who was playing- and then I made her go and tidy her room because my head was hurting.

Enough of that meta! Sandra and Xander spent a pleasant afternoon in their pool.

Jason Greenman got into a tickle-fight with Morty.

And there was just enough time at the end of the week to squeeze in Xander's birthday.

Stella and Morty were indulging in their favourite hobby (woohoo) so Jason took on the role of Supportive Adult.
Sandra and Jason: YAY BIRTHDAY.

Xander: Well hello handsome.


Never mind, the family still love him.

And we finish the week with Morty stealing back the gnome.
Jules: Curses, foiled again.

Uberhood Index

roth, sims story, uberhood

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