Global Legacy 3.2

Jul 30, 2013 21:42

So the challenge rolled last week was for moochers to move in and bring the house numbers up to eight. As China had just died and Athens had left for college, that meant there was space for SEVEN moochers. Oh, plus Liet's new partner. So, instead of inviting the first seven people in his address book over, I waited until he left for work and waited to see who would come walking by.

And the very first person, I shit you not, was Finland, who you may remember was almost the very first spouse married in until Greece decided he preferred China. You have no idea how happy I was to see him.
Finland: I knew I'd make it into this legacy sooner or later.

Next up was Seychelles.

Seychelles: Hey, the whole world's moving into this guy's house. Want in?
England: You betcha!

(I had a peep in everyone's memories, just for fun and saw this. LOL.)

And then Ireland showed up.
Ireland: I'm here to make England's life hell.

The next person to show up on the lot is Grina, but she's not here to move in, she's here to punch perverts. (I'm also not going to move in the delivery lady. Nations only pls.)
Grina: Point that telescope at me again and I'll stick it where the sun don't shine.

Serbia then strolls onto the lot and into the household.

England: Yes, hello, is that work? I'd like to quit my job and become a man of leisure.
Rinse and repeat.

Russia: Oooh, hunky hunky. I'll be moving in now to make you one with me.
Serbia: Is it too late to move out?

Go away, Grina, you can't move back in. You've got classes.
Grina: I'm going to toss that telescope into the sea first.

France: Nice place, I think I'll stay.

Finland: As the first person here, I have seniority over you all.
Russia: You want seniority, you'll have to fight me for it.

Oh, and also moving in is Latvia, who swept the heir poll, getting twice as many votes as the runner up.

Go home, Britannia. There's no more room.

Waaaaaait a second, weren't you just back at the house?
Britannia: It's magic.

I took a look at Latvia's wants and saw this ancient locked want. Didn't know you were into necromancy, Latvia!

Lithuania: Do you like it?
Latvia: It's not your dead wife's old ring, is it?

Latvia: Shiny!

And then they celebrated their engagement with some sex in the photobooth.
Latvia: Greece who?

Followed by more sex at home. Let's get those babies made!

Followed by even more-wait, weren't you just at the restaurant?
Britannia: I've got a magic wand.
England: He's not lying either.

Serbia: I thought being a playable character was meant to be interesting.
Oh, I can make it interesting for you if you really want.
Serbia: ...Actually, you know what, I'm fine right here.

Once Finland learned there was a wishing well on the lot, he desperately wanted to make a wish, so I indulged and he got this guy, Pete.

Pete: Y'know, angel's aren't the only ones who've got magic wands.

There's an awful lot of musical beds going on now.

And also a lot of musical hot tub sex. Yes, that's Pete, still here the next morning and having sex with Russia.

England: I want a wish too.

Seychelles wasn't doing much, so I figured she might as well make herself useful and plant some tomato plants seeing as she's already got her nightgown filthy.

Then I made England and Ireland help out.
England and Ireland: Nature +
Ooooh, idea! One legacy goal is all the hobby plaques. If my moochers can't have jobs then they can at least do something useful for me and get those.

Besides, they need something to occupy them seeing as they're never going to fulfil their LTWs, except maybe Finland and Serbia IF I marry them off to each other.

Later that afternoon, as soon as Latvia gets home from his job as a General, I send the entire household off to the wedding chapel.

Everyone made it... expect Lithuania, who was still at work. Oops. I wound up teleporting him in.

Latvia: I take thee-
France: Oh my God, you guys, it's snowing!
Lithuania: Yeah, we're kind of busy here.

France: Oh, right, whoops. Coming through, don't mind me.

I now pronounce you husband and husband.

Hungary: Hey, this thing really works, that's so cool!

Latvia: Haha, cake!
Lithuania: Ugh, are all my spouses going to try and choke me to death on my wedding day?
Seeing as this is hopefully gonna be your last wedding, I'll wager yes.

There was a photobooth at the chapel, so I had the bright idea of making everyone take a photo of themselves to mark their spot in the mausoleum. But then when I went to expand it to make room for the moochers, I discovered Greece and China's urns were missing. BOOOO. I wonder if that's why they haven't been around much? Happily I know how to respawn an urn. Sadly they'll lose their death types. :(

Oh, and Lithuania came home with flu. I tried to quarantine him, but Russia barged in before I could stop him.
Russia: I've decided I'm sleeping there.
Oh yeah? Let's see you do manage that once I moveobjects you outside the room and delete the door.


Really? Are you sure? You know you're married to her widow, right? Anyway, just go and make Grandma's Comfort Soup like I told you to.

Latvia: How the hell do you expect me to do that with that dirty dish in the way?
You could clean it up.
Latvia: Nah, let Serbia do it.

Serbia: Oops, burned it. Cuisine++!


He did eventually get cured and celebrated by making more babies. Hey, I need three and Liet's not getting any younger here.

Finland: This soup is vile.
Serbia: Make it yourself next time thenzzzzz.

Ireland: Woe is me, I'm hungry.
There's a fridge right behind you.
Ireland: Pfft, real moochers can't be expected to cook for themselves.

Meanwhile, Liet commandeers Athen's old pottery wheel to work on his Arts n Crafts hobby.

Russia finds new ways of feeding himself.

France... uh, that looks dangerous.
France: No, it's fine, if I get burned I'll just get everyone to kiss me better.

Finland gets up close and personal with nature.

Finland: Boohoo, I thought being a playable would make me happy but it sucks!

Serbia is supposed to be working on fitness but got distracted by the drum kit.

And in the middle of all this hobbying, Liet has his first pop.

Closely followed by Latvia.

Eeee, my tombstone respawning worked! Hi Greece, how's the afterlife?
Greece: What are all these people doing in my house?
Mooching. You can kill them later, just let them get their hobby plaques first, OK?
Greece: I can't promise you that.

Seychelles: Do you mind? I'm pooping here.

Latvia: Whoa, that is one fiiiine ghost! Hey baby, you can haunt me any night!

China: WOOOO!
Latvia: Eeek!

China: BOO!
Latvia: EEK! *pisses self*
Dammit China, can you not kill the pregnant guy? Please?
China: All right, all right.

China: I'll kill this one instead!
France: Help! Haunted computer!

Greece: Boo! Hey, this haunting thing's kind of fun.
Serbia: It's really not.

Lithuania: OH GOD THE PAIN.
France: Jeez, haven't I had enough frights tonight? Why do I have to be here for this?

Because Liet needs the extra set of hands-


Liet: Hey, could you take one of these for a moment?
Hobby Lady: Hell no, I only came here to give you a membership card!

Russia: Why do I have to hold one of these things? I was in the middle of a very gripping game of Don't Wake The Llama.
Because there aren't enough awake sims up on the other two floors to hold all the babies falling out of Lithuania's arse.

Latvia: Lol, still got more to go.

Oh you do, do you? Would that be so you can take care of your 4+ babies?
Lithuania: Um, yes, I think that might be wise.

Lithuania: Wait, what do I even do with this thing?

Baby: Dad?
Lithuania: Finland's in my way, gotta go sort him out.
Baby: But...

At least SOMEONE'S taking care of all these babies.

In fact, these two are the only reason anyone in this household gets fed now.
England: And a nice fresh bottle for you...
Seychelles: When you're done, I've got pancakes.

Latvia: Well I would cook but I'm kind of busy pushing these buns out of my oven, if you get what I mean.
Sorry, did you say buns plural?


Latvia: Here's one...
Maid: You'd better not get afterbirth all over my nice clean floor.

Latvia: And two!
Yeah. They had six. Six babies in two days when Liet's LTW only called for three. The quads are Latuania, Lithvia, Vilnius (boys) and Riga (girl) and the twins are a boy and girl named Jonava and Valmiera.

Latvia: Well? Aren't you going to tell me what to do?
Naw, fuck you guys, you're on your own here.

Know what that means? Finland just got our first hobby plaque. One down, nine to go!

England: I fed it, why won't it stop screaming?
Ireland: Because it's you.

Oh thank fuck for that.

I did plan to have a row of birthdays, but Ireland and England got tired of waiting.
Seychelles: Go babies, it's your birthday!

Ireland: Hey guys, your baby's ugly.
Latvia: Rude.
Ireland: The other one might look better. England?
England: Hmm?
Ireland: Where's the baby?

England: ...I got cold and dropped it.

Let's try that again.

Latvia: ...and baby makes four.
Jesus, that took forever. I think the first one's dead of frostbite now.

Reloading the lot next play session, I just had to screencap this and laugh at Russia hogging the central space while Lithuania peers around him, all pissed off because he's the damn heir and nobody can see the baby.

Speaking of babies, here's the madeover toddlers. This is Riga.



And Latuania. Don't they all look so happy and well-cared for?

At this point I'm just amazed any of the children made it into the cribs.

Vilnius: I've been sitting in a shitty nappy for three days now, could you please change it?
England: Oh! That's what you were screaming about?

Later on, I sent Liet out to buy mobile phones for everyone because every time I tried to call a repairman, some mooch would be on the damn phone. It felt really odd only having him to control.

Back home, chaos still reigns as Seychelles is terrified by a clown-in-a-box.
Seychelles: It wants my soul.

Smelly children are infinitely preferable.

France has her own way of dealing with the children, which mostly involves dangling her titties over them.
France: I know how to keep guys happy. Young or old.
Never change, France.

Elephant: Is he OK?

He'd better be OK, Nanny Useless here isn't much help, shutting herself in cribs by accident.

England: Peek-a-boo! Where's England?

England: No, no, it's all right, don't cry, I'm right here!
You really are a bit shit at this, aren't you?

Later that day, it's time for the twins to join the quads in toddlerhood.

And once again, England is the only one bothering to pay the slightest bit of attention to events.

England: I want one of my own.

Seychelles: Hi kids! I thought I'd block the second birthday cake and read you a story about fish, OK?

But eventually, after having to be ordered about six times, Finland reluctantly drags Valmiera to the cake.
Finland: I was busy.
You've got your hobby plaque, that makes you my servant.

And here's Valmiera and Jonava after makeovers.

I felt sorry for the children at this point, so I attempted a bit of toddler training. Not sure it'll pay off.
Finland: Does that mean I can stop?

Serbia: TOOT! Happy Birthday!
Russia: ...That was hours ago.

Finally though, the week is over. Hurrah! The household has expanded from one sim to fifteen, none of which seem capable of using a toilet without clogging it and flooding the bathrooms. So of course, next week's challenge is to fire all the help. Haha. Oh well, could've been worse - it could've been the Angelina one. See you then!

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