A week with the Jocque family

Sep 19, 2012 08:52

Hi and welcome to another uberhood update! Last time I played the Curious household, where Pascal found himself drawn to Violet Jocque. The two of them shared a first kiss and even tried a little photobooth lovin' before I caught them and made Pascal go and spend time with his son. So I decided to play the Jocque's next and see just how Violet felt about having an older boyfriend.

When I got there, everyone wanted to throw a party. I've never really dabbled with the party side of things, especially after the disaster that was Lucy Burb's birthday party, but what the hell, I'll give it a go. Perhaps if they do fun stuff like play pool all day, it won't be a complete dud.

Sophia adds to the guest list and brings home Daniel Pleasant.

Can't be arsed cooking, so they order out.

Socialising is good, right? Violet could do with some friends her own age anyway, so I order her to hang out with all the teenagers she knows.
Violet: So have I told you all about my really hot older boyfriend? He's really, really hot, so this could take a while.

Sophia and Daniel both work in the Athletic career path, so makes sense that they'd spend the whole party practising their penalty shoot-outs.

Oh shit, it worked! My very first good party!

It can't be all fun and games forever though, so when all the guests have gone home, Marcel helps Violet with her homework.

Losing at football to Daniel made Sophia realise that she no longer wanted to be an athlete, so she switched to Oceanography, got a promotion and brought home Lazlo Curious.

Meanwhile Marcel turns out to be great at burgers. Maybe next time they have a party, it'll be a BBQ.

He got a new job and a promotion too.

I gave the games room a makeover, so now Marcel spends all his free time there, showing off his skills.
Marcel: OK, now watch this one.
*pots the white*
Marcel: I meant to do that.

Despite me inviting several teen boys to that party, Violet's want to be friends with Pascal hadn't rolled away. She also wanted to go on a date, so I decided why not kill two birds with two stones and have her ask him out.
Violet: Yay!

As you can see, they're both very happy about this. Although I'm still looking for a guy her own age for her.

They have a fun time gambling before a little dinner.

Violet: So I know you got abducted by aliens and had a baby, but just so you know, I'm totally fine with that.

Dream date. :D

Back home to her other one true love, the exercise machines.

Marcel wanted to buy a toy bench, so I gave them an attic and made him spend all his spare time up there making bricks. Because I'm sorry, but Marcel is a little bit boring.

Violet wanted to sneak out and I was all set to let her run off with her ~older boyfriend~, and then I discovered teens can't sneak out with adults. BOO. So she's sneaking out with Rick Contrary instead.
Violet: I mean, I really like Pascal, but I'd like to keep my options open.

Of course, then Pascal shows up with a date gift while she's out, just to make me feel guilty. Although I've got to wonder where he found the money for a hot tub when he had to dig in the dirt to afford his first week's rent.

Sophia got promoted and brought home Lazlo again, just in time for another party.

Rick: hey, wait a second... when did you say your boyfriend gave you this hot tub?!

Promotion for Marcel too.


Then the phone rang and it was Pascal, asking Violet back out on another date. I've NEVER EVER had a sim do that!

So I obliged and sent them to the karaoke bar.

Where true love blossoms.

Haha, what?! Act your age, Coral!

Pascal: Did you just fart?
Violet: Oh no, gotta shut him up! Mwah!

But over dinner, Pascal comes to a decision.
Pascal: I really like you, Violet, but I think it would be better if we didn't get serious until you've finished school.

And so, with a kiss, they part. For now.

And I'll bet it would've been even better if Violet hadn't abandoned all her guests.

Sophia: Hey sexy, is it hot out here, or is it just me?

Something's hot, but it's not you two!


Sophia: Did we miss something?
No, nothing important, just the destruction of your living room rug.

Marcel: So... Violet's getting all the screen time here. Wanna do something interesting?
Sophia: Oh hell yes.

You know that's your daughter's hot tub you just defiled, right?

I think Pascal found out because he swung by with a new gift that her parents can't have sex in.

So thwarted, Marcel and Sophia go back to skilling and working and promotions.

Did I mention that Violet has a romance secondary? Pascal was out when she called, so I decided to let her go on a date with Rick Contrary here, just to see if he could compete.
Violet: -yeah, honest, she eats bugs! Greenfly and aphids and stuff like that.

Insta-crush, insta-love!

Then they head to the diner for a bite to eat.
Violet: I'll have eggs, sunny side up.

Violet: How about you Rick? Want some sugar?

They had a good time, but I'm not sold on Rick. Spoiler: he doesn't even bring her a date gift, let alone call her for another date. Hmph.

Vicund: Hi, Violet! Hey, have you seen my brother recently? How's he getting on in his new place?
Violet: Hi, hopefully-future-brother-in-law! He seemed happy enough last time I saw him and his job must be going well too, he's brought me all sorts of nice things.

Back home, Sophia got fit.
Sophia: Yay!

Actually, that doesn't look healthy AT ALL!

She needed creativity points for work, so I sent her to the attic so she and Marcel could skill side-by-side.

Oh, except Marcel was busy running with bees at that point.
Marcel: HELP HELP I HATE BEES! ++Nature


It worked! And may I point out that since she started this new job, this is the first day she hasn't brought home Lazlo Curious. Hmmmm.

Sophia: Darling, don't splash so much, tee hee!
Marcel: Oh we can do much more splashing than this in here, tee hee!
Sophia's Co-worker: Get a room.

Oh look, it's Lazlo again. You know, I think Sophia's been seeing an awful lot of him.

So, time for date night with the hubby!

Except they rolled so few wants for each other that they barely scraped a good date. This does not bode well for their relationship.

Violet's LTW is to become a Prestidigitator, so she got a job in entertainment.

Marcel makes more toys. I'm hoping he'll get good enough at it to open his own toy shop and maybe become interesting.
Marcel: Hey!

Violet decided to treat herself with her promotion bonus and buy a man for the afternoon.

Matchmaker: That's it?
Violet: It's nearly half my wages!

Violet: URGH, GROSS.
Matchmaker: For $35, you're lucky he's not some wrinkly old granddad.

Just before they leave, Sophia returns home with-oh, Lazlo again. HMMMMMMMMM.

Violet: So what do you want?
Date: I want to go home.
Violet: Don't let me stop you.

As a welcome relief from Violet's terrible date, I present to you, Malcolm Landgraab IV's Very First Kiss with-

Oooh, nice name.

Violet wanders a few more places, looking for love, but all she finds is Dustin Broke.

Sophia wanted to give someone a gift, so I made her give Lazlo one of her crappy paintings.
Sophia: It's a painting of an octopus! I thought you could put it up in your cubicle at work.

Violet learns physiology, all the better to earn body points with.

This family are shockingly lucky with chance cards and promotions. Which means some other poor family out there is probably having terrible luck and being fired-oh wait, that was the Curious brothers.

Speaking of the Curious brothers, what's this?! First gifts, now half-naked hunk hugs? HMMMMMMMMMMMMM. I've got my eye on you two!

And we round off the week with a house tour. I forgot to do this with the Curious house, but never mind. I'll get it next time.

Upstairs hallway/exercise room. The ladder leads to the attic.

Living room, complete with Violet's piano. There used to be rug in there, but as you saw, that went up in flames. London poster to remind them of the Olympics this year.

Snooker room. Much nicer now, I think. I put some other sporting memorabilia on the walls for them.

Marcel and Sophia's bedroom.

Violet's bedroom.

This was when I discovered that the attic isn't Seasons-proof.

Much better. And of course, every attic needs a pile of random boxes and cases.


Take a wild guess at who my favourite sim in this family is! Admittedly, Sophia did get more interesting when I noticed she was bringing Lazlo home every day, but she and her husband are still a bit dull. And looking at their date score, it would seem they agree. Perhaps I'll send them on holiday or something next time and see if I can recapture their spark. Or maybe I'll just let Sophia bang Lazlo, I dunno. I do wonder though, if she did get together with Lazlo and Violet did ultimately end up with Pascal, what would that do to the already tangled Curious family tree?!

Speaking of Violet, I wanted to find her a teenage love interest because I'm not overly fond of teen-adult relationships, but I think they've made it perfectly clear that they don't care what I want, so I give up! I'll see how she and Pascal get on once she goes to college.

Next up, I'm going to head over to Malcolm Landgraab's place and see what's going on with him and Cairistiona. Thanks for reading!

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