A week with Don Lothario

Jun 19, 2012 22:14

Hello everyone! I'm playing another single man today, Don Lothario.

Don Lothario is one of the few premade households I have actually played before, so I have high hopes for him. I also wanted to play him before I head over to the Goth's house because I know he's expected to get hitched to Cassandra there and I'd like to see how he behaves on his own before I let that happen.

Things aren't looking good for Cassie though, every single one of Don's wants are "cheat on my fiancé."

Bedroom makeover! The Bella shrine has gone to be replaced with some naughty pictures on the wall and some space themed knick-knacks on the coffee table. Mirror tiles behind the bed, because Don totally would.

I didn't do too much to the kitchen over than recolour a few things.

The living room also got a quick paint job. A shame that rubbish is spoiling the look. Don, be a dear and clean that up, would you?

Don: Me? But I have a maid for that!
Actually you don't.
Don: Well hire her back then!
I'll think about it.

I did hope that filling some of his wants might make him roll some Cassandra ones, so against my better judgement, I had him invite Nina over.

The welcome wagon also arrived, including Darren Dreamer and Brandi Broke. I haven't pictured her before, but Brandi has showed up in every single Pleasantview welcome wagon so far, so I gave her a little makeover. It's not the first makeover I've ever given her, but I never cease to be amazed at how pretty she is with some new hair and makeup.

Don: Oh, this engagement ring? It's nothing, just a present from a lady friend.

Still no Cassie wants, so I stupidly filled his want to ask Nina on a date. STUPID. I was thinking "I can manage this without actually cheating, fill some pillow fight wants, maybe a kiss, oh look, she wants to be tickled-"

-when I told you to tickle her, Don, I didn't mean with your dick. Yeah, they made it to the bed in the time it took me to find Play/Tickle on the pie menu. THANK YOU, ACR.

Well, as he'd already screwed her, I figured he may as well fill both their wants to dine out.
Don: Well, it's not like I'm married yet.
Nina: That's good enough for me!
Hope Cassie catches you both.

Don: Hey, I fancy some shoes. You got any shoes?
Waiter: Um, we might have Beef Wellington, I can go and check.

You two are playing with fire, hope you know that.
Don: Hey, I'm not married yet.
You keep saying that. It doesn't make things better.

Oh dear, there goes your dream date, Lothario!

Don: "-the whole thing all over my lap! (Any of you ladies wanna kiss it better? No?) AND they didn't even have any shoes!"

Happily for Don, work goes better than his date. Sadly, he's not having much luck finding his LTW job in Athletics.

So anyway, as Don's already gone and shagged Nina, I figured he may as well have a final week of freedom before I decide whether or not Cassandra should marry him. So I hired back Kaylynn/Sharlene.

As you can see, he's getting his money's worth.

But before the wedding, there's gotta be a stag party! So I sent Don out to check out a few places. Enjoying the facilities, Don?
Don: NO!

The next lot is kind of dull, but Don needs logic for promotion, so I order him to skill. He's soon joined by Darren Dreamer.

Who appears to be threatening him with a few broken bones if he breaks Cassandra's heart. I'd be careful if I were you, Don.

Next day, Don tries out his working coconut trees.

Then he gets a love letter from Nina...

...And learns Physiology, because he wanted to.

Then I spent some of his money on an oven. Did you know that Don doesn't have an oven? He wanted to eat mac and cheese, which is when I realised he'd spent his entire adult life living off cereal, noodles, pizza and the occasional meal out. Tut tut.

Then he wanted to invite someone over. Brandi's one of the few people who was in and didn't say no.

Don: You know Alexander Goth, my future brother-in-law? Well don't tell anyone, but I hear he cheats at chess. AND Monopoly.

Don Lothario, ladies and gentlemen. He has negative chemistry with Brandi Broke, but still wants to flirt with her.

Perhaps it's because his affair with Sharlene is losing it's sparkle.
Don: I've told you a thousand times to stop fiddling with my TV! The last time you touched it, I lost half a series of House and I NEED that for my job research!

Then I sent him out to play chess again and OH look who it is!
Don: Cassandra! Darling! You're looking lovely as always.

Anyway, she joins him for a quick game.

This is why Don needs a maid.

And then it's the last day, the day of Don's stag party. Only problem is, all his friend's are women. I tried inviting all the guys he knows, all three of them, but as you can see, Darren was the only one who said yes, probably so he could make sure Don didn't end the night in a photobooth with a random hookup.

Of course, I don't let a little thing like that stop me.

And here's their venue: Pleasant Views, the local strip club.

It wasn't the greatest outing ever because I forgot to lock the stripper poles, so no-one could use them until the last twenty seconds of the outing. But at least Morty got a little makeover.

Of course, as soon as the outing officially ends, they all start having much more fun. Gits.

And Don faces his old nemesis, the dance sphere. It goes about as well as can be expected.

No, John. You have baby twins at home. What are you even doing here?

Anyway, after ditching everyone else, Don has his (possible) last meal as a single man...

...Before joining a vampire for a little karaoke.

And a little puddle splashing ups his fun just in time for a promotion.


Don is one of the few single sim households that don't bore me because his love life is so entertaining. Even though he is an enormous cheating bastard, I can't help liking him. So here, have a picture of him dancing in his underwear, my treat. I couldn't find a way to fit it in the update, but I couldn't leave it out either!

Uberhood Index

lothario, sims story, uberhood

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