It's A Small World After All - Part Thirteen

Jul 02, 2012 09:41

Hi there! It's that time again, when I post another update of It's A Small World, a 'you suck at parenting' challenge. Last time, I managed to get ACR and InTeen to work together, with hilarious and horrifying results. And then I sent everyone off to college.

I had been wondering for a while how I would deal with college. Would I ask you guys to pick someone else to control? Would I age France down and send him to college to? Would I sit back and let the seven uncontrollable nations fend for themselves? Then I realised the answer was right there in my Downloads folder. See?

Adults Go To College, by Christianlov. I downloaded it so my plantsims could get an education, no reason why France can't either.

So! Everyone's grown up! Belgium's stolen America's jacket and England's green hair's grown out.

Nooo, England, why would you want that?!

I put him back in his original hairstyle. Time to get over the punk phase. (But I do let him keep the metalwork because it looks fab).

Liechtenstein is even more baffling. Didn't you spend the last few days shoving him around for sleeping with Seychelles? Are you over it then?

Switzerland: DAMN girl, you're fine! *HATE. ENGLAND*
Seychelles: Not so bad yourself! *HATE. AMERICA*

The hated one's don't care, they get right down to bonding over chess.
America: I'm super-awesome at this game now. So, just let me move my horsey...
England: It's called a 'knight', America.
America: Hee, you and your silly British language. Next you'll be saying that one there isn't the President.
England: Ugh, you suck.

She's still not over it.

Yeah, I think Liechtenstein's pretty much all out of luck here.

I gave everyone themed bedroom makeovers! Not that anyone spends any time in their own rooms, of course, but still, it's fun.

Actually, saying that, Seychelles heads straight to her own room to blog stuff.

No classes yet, so France heads out to work on his twenty lovers. Crushes aren't good enough, so he starts by wooing Spain some more.

I isolate all accessory meshes when I download them so I can check for missing bits, but somehow this one slipped through. Bah.

Canada: Oh, it's my handsome boyfriend! Swoon!

France: Heeeey, sexy, gimmee a kiss.

Canada: WHAT?!? How could you do this to me?!? WAAAAAAH!
France: Whoops, time to go!

Canada: BASTARD!
Welp, that's put a dent in that twenty lovers.

On the bright side, gotta love how when sims are caught cheating on a date, the person they're with doesn't give a shit about finding out they're just a bit on the side.

Once Spain toddles off, I have France try some damage control.
France: I'm so so sorry you saw that.
Canada: Sooo... you're sorry you cheated?
France: Um... let me just say again, I'm so so sorry you saw thaoooh damn that girl sure is ugly!

Canada: WHAT?! Screw your apology, jackass!

France: Hi! Canada! Listen, I'm so so sorr-
Well shit. This is gonna take some work. How's France going to find the time to do his coursework?

Answer - he's not. He's going to schmooze his professors instead. :D

Oh, and college has not mellowed out these two. They fight pretty much every time they get home from class. I gave up capping them all.

And days later, Canada is still miffed about France dating Spain, so it's time to break out the magical glowy potions!

France: Is this a good idea?
So long as you're in gold aspiration, you'll be just fine!

Wait, weren't you using that on Canada?
France: My grades suck, gotta work on that first. Plus I have over 200,000 aspiration points, I can easily get some more.

France: My dear, despite your age, your skin is as flawless as this rose!
Prof. Branka: Aww, you're too sweet!
France: Now, about my homework... I'm afraid I was too busy searching for perfect roses to concentrate.
Prof. Branka: Oh, don't worry about it, I'll be sure to take that into account.

Then France ditched his professor to retrieve Gnomepolean.

Oops, I forgot England was crushing on him!

England: WANKER!
Prof. Branka: Nothing to do with me.

England: AGAIN?! How could you?! We're through! I hate you more than Switzerland!
Your relationship was creepy and wrong, get over it.

You know your game is disturbing when France making out with his teacher is less gross than France having it off with England.

You guys have beds? In your rooms?

Liechtenstein has found her old friend, the ballet barre.
Liechtenstein: Eight body points isn't good enough, I wanna shove the whole ten down Seychelles' throat!


Time for another round of 'Guess The Bedroom!'

Oh! Switzerland's sleeping in his own bed. I filled his room with weaponry. And neutral colours, hee.

Believe it or not, but at this point, England has not actually slept. He has substituted sleep for caffeine.
England: Gotta keep my eyes peeled in case that git cheats on me again.
Can you stay awake forever?

Well fine then! In that case, France will just have to go on a date somewhere else-ooooooh crap, is that who I think it is?


France: I didn't do anything! I just got out the taxi! It's totally platonic!

HAHAHA. Ahem. Well. This is getting tough. Community lot dates are getting more and more dangerous now France is racking up the lovers. If I'm going to make it to twenty, I think they're going to have to stay on the home lot in future.

'Friends' is a euphemism for 'fuckbuddy', isn't it?

Back at the dorm, France tries wooing Canada some more. Seems pointless wooing new lovers when he's just lost three who could be making him eternally happy.

Canada: Nope.

Oh, did I mention I also teleported the cats over? Didn't wanna leave them all alone in that house, so here they are, having a play fight.

Still awake?
England: Sleep is for losers. Isn't that right, mint bunny?

France: I swear, she meant nothing to me. I haven't seen her since! She's out of my life, my bed, my phonebook-
Prof. Branka: Hiiii sweetie! I had such a great time on our date yesterday, I'd never done it in a changing booth before! Here, have some flowers.
Canada: Hate you both.
OK, that's it. Time to break out... the Love Potion!

France: Is it working?
Liechtenstein: Oooooh, he's so dreamy!
Seychelles: Humina humina!
Looks like it's working!


Seychelles: Thought you hated cheaters, cheater!

England: Oh boy, cleaning the litter tray is so much fun!
You're a strange, strange man.

Poor Belgium put on a bit of weight, so the arsehole coach burst into the gym and made her work out for hours.

Liechtenstein thought it was a great idea and did the same. While Canada stared at her. For hours.
Canada: She's so stretchy and bendy!

Prof. Branka shows up with more gifts, happily without running into any of France's other lovers.

Which doesn't include England any more, yay!
England: Ugh, can't believe I ever had sex with that guy. Gross! Stupid teenage hormones.

Lily: I'm gonna eat you little fishie.

Back to France's lovers! I decided to let Canada and Belarus cool off for a few days and instead started inviting over all the people he was just crushing on. America has just been upgraded from crush to love.

And I figured if I was going to make him date at home, I should add a little something to set the mood.


This is pretty much just to show that they do go to class occasionally.
Switzerland: Welcome home from class, asshole!

Liechtenstein: Hungry? How about a knuckle sandwich?!

Seychelles: Ow ow ow.
Liechtenstein: Oh, does your ass hurt? Why don't you get Switzerland to kiss it better?

Belarus proves a little easier to woo back than Canada.

Belarus: I may love you enough to forgive you for going on a date with your professor, but BACK THE HELL AWAY from my mac 'n cheese!

Chef: Cooker's on fire but I ain't give a damn.

Seychelles took Liechtenstein's advice.

Liechtenstein: Nooo, Switzerland, I didn't mean it literally!

A quick psych visit gives her the mental strength to smack him around a bit.

Switzerland: I have had it with you! You slap me, you slap my girlfriend, you beat up my girlfriend - MY GIRLFRIEND IS NOT YOU! GET OVER IT!

I heard you the first time.

Chef: My arse is on fire but I ain't give a damn.

Gee, I wonder how you managed that.

Switzerland: Welcome to a new term of pain!

And finally, finally, Canada falls back in love with France.

And finally, finally, America falls out of love with Seychelles.

Liechtenstein: So, my love life's been pretty crappy so far. Wanna help me fix that?
With someone else's boyfriend? Yeah, that's a great idea!

Liechtenstein: Did you hear that, baby? We have the creator's blessing! We're gonna be a happy happy family!
I didn't actually mean... oh never mind.

Seychelles: Hi, I have no idea who you are. So could you excuse me for a moment?

Seychelles: Now, where were we?

Canada: Hey there, beautiful. Room for one more?
Canada, stop being greedy. You're lucky Liechtenstein's asleep.

How ~romantic~

How ~romantic~

Haha, what?! OK, I have to try and fill that one.

Let's start with that repairman France was flirting with back at the house. Happily Poland doesn't care.

Not a good time, Canada.

The coach came back for Belgium.

Which leaves Canada free to do this.

Aaaaand then this happened. Whoops! So, I'm gonna leave on that notice! See you all next time!


small world, sims story, hetalia

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