It's A Small World After All - Part Twelve

Jun 05, 2012 00:04

Hi everyone, have you been having a jolly jubilee? I have! But I took the time while watching the concert to type up part Twelve of It's A Small World, a 'you suck at parenting' challenge. In the last update, France won over the maid, screwed America in a hot tub and harassed the unfortunately-named Randy guy at the strip club. England made a new enemy, Belgium very nearly flunked out of school and everyone had horrible luck on the chance cards.

Hey y'all, how's it going?! Did you know that for ACR to work properly for elders and teens (if you have InTeen) you have to actually spawn the adjuster on your lot? Me neither! Which explains why all my teenagers have been so pure and virginal. Let's see if we can change that today!

Finally, FINALLY fixed my random crashes, so with only a few days until the teens age up, I send them off to the local karaoke/cards bar to have some fun.

Switzerland: What the hell are you doing? Eurovision was last week.
Canada: Yeah, but I don't get to take part.
Switzerland: Neither did I.
Canada: -So we're singing Summer Lovin'. Wanna go too? You can be Olivia Newton-John!
France: I think you'll find it is you who are singing the girl part.

France: Would you stop that? I'M John Travolta, not you.

Oh look, England and Switzerland are fighting again, must be a day that ends in Y.
OK, THAT'S ENOUGH. Time to test... THE POLICE PLUGIN. France, call the cops!


England: Why am I the only one getting arrested here?
England: Oh, are we in preschool? This is bullshit!

Of course, it wasn't until he blipped off the screen that I thought HMM, probably should've tested this mod first to find out how it works and when the sim gets released.

No-one cares though, they get right back to karaoke.
France: OK Seychelles, you're up first!
Seychelles: Why the fuck am I doing this in public where people can see me? -500

She got over it though.
My ears.

It's amazing how much fun they have when no-one's trying to grind anyone's face into the floor! Seychelles even managed to learn to cook... while singing? Did the autocue have a recipe on it? Did she learn how to get the lime and the coconut and mix them both together? However, the outing ended JUST as they'd all sat down to order a meal, so I had to form the group again so they could eat. Plus I also wanted to see if it would get England back.

Or maybe it's because they haven't been bailed out yet. Just a hunch. I hope we haven't actually lost him.

Switzerland: Don't look at me, it's not my fault.

Oh, NyoFrance was at the lot too. As soon as I stopped paying attention, she and France had a quickie in the photobooth.

And when we got home, England had been released, yay! I have to admit, I was worried for a while there.

Notice that his stint in jail has done fuck all to improve his behaviour.

France: Has anyone told you you've got really sexy eyes?
Maid: Heeey, wanna hang out? In your bedroom?
France: Ah, no, that's OK. Although saying that, I wouldn't mind hanging out with YOU in my bedroom.

Repairman: Oh boy, really? That would be great!

Ha hah! I remember this one! REPORT! Seychelles demotion will not be in vain!

Sweet. :D

Sadly that's where the luck ends.


I haven't actually pictured it, but Liechtenstein spends all her spare time on the ballet barre. Not only is she fit, but when I looked at her stats, I discovered she'd got herself eight body points! You go girl!


Switzerland: But but but they'd tagged a butterfly as a bee!

England: I'm sorry, but even John Barrowman can't make me like Shark Attack 3.
Are you serious? That film was so bad it was brilliant!
England: No, it was just bad.
WELL FUCK YOU. I'm tempted to boolprop away another creativity point for that.

France does a little multi-tasking, smooth-talking South Italy as soon as he's done asking the Britannia Angel out on a date.

Multi-tasking didn't work out, you think? No, just my game auto-ending dates again. :|

France: Dear God, I promise to behave myself and keep it in my pants if you give me another chance at asking out this angel.
America: And as the hero, I'm here to make sure you keep that promise!

And they skip all the small talk and get straight to the grinding.

France: A rose for my darling special rose.
Britannia: Eee, it's so pretty!
France: Just like you, mon cherie.

Interesting choice of food there, Britannia.
Britannia: Must be a mistake. I'd never eat icky, greasy American burgers.
Sorry bub, I used Chef's Choice to place your order. You got exactly what you wanted.

Britannia: Yeah, you do get quite a lot of sunshine above the cloud layer. You should come visit sometime!
France: I'd love to, but I'm not entirely sure how that would work. But you're welcome to come over to my place any time you want so long as you call ahead and actually, you might want to wait until the maid's left.

Aww, how cute, watching the stars. It would probably be cuter if they weren't lying on concrete though...

And if America wasn't curled up on a bench right in front of them.
Britannia: So why is that guy here again?
France: Beats me, he just showed up on his own.

Despite America insisting on tagging along, good times were had.

America: I'M not having a good time, I got all stinky and uncomfy sleeping on that bench!
Well yes, your low motives - and the fact that this is a date, not a family outing - are why NOBODY INVITED YOU.
(Also WTF are those weird patches around his neck?)


Just not with a couple I was expecting.

Britannia: I'm bringing ~luuuurve~
Seychelles: We can feel it.

Seychelles: Do you mind?
England: Yes I do! You're not seriously going to have sex with him, are you?!
Switzerland: She totally is. :D

And he was right.

Belgium: I became a spy today!

I'm not entirely sure if England is just being all super-protective best friend, or if he's happy to have an excuse to be all in Switzerland's face.

England: If he hurts her, I'll kill him. I might just do that anyway.

Oh look who else found the bed. You know Switzerland and Seychelles didn't change the sheets afterwards, right?

England: Oi!
South Italy: Hey, arsehole. Your friends are all getting laid and you're going to die a virgin. Ha ha!

That awkward moment when you run into your other self on the porch.

Liechtenstein: Smoochies!

Back to the club! France continues to pester people walking past until his sales skills hit gold.

Come on in, Canada. I'm sure France will be happy to put on a show just for you.

What's depressing is that France gets his gold sales badge before the club even hits rank one.

Liechtenstein: YES THIS IS AWESOME!
England: You already have a boyfriend!

Next day, the matchmaker drops off another lamp, which is neat even though we've managed to squeeze about ten wishes out of the other one and the genie shows no sign of leaving.

Hey, America. Who are you waiting for? I haven't seen you showing any interest in anyone.
America: Wait and see.

This is going to end in drama and tears, isn't it? Well, don't let me stop you.

England: Not dying a virgin, duh.

France: So, are you ready to have the best night of your life, my sweet?
Gonna die a virgin, bb.

Lilly and Iris: Help, we're stuck in quicksand!

Canada: -And that's why I think-
Liechtenstein: Excuse me just a second, I think I heard my heart breaking.

Ooops, lol.

Switzerland: Meep!

Liechtenstein: HATE YOU.
America: Scuse me, jilted boyfriend coming through.

Doctor House disapproves of your unheroic behaviour, America.

America: And don't think I've forgotten about you either, you girlfriend-stealing dickhead.

Happily the relationship meltdown pox hasn't hit France, who greets Canada with a kiss to make her fall in love with him.

Time out! Outing to the pub. Maybe a few drinks will calm everyone down.


America: You're the best, bro. You'd never screw my girlfriend, right?

Operation Calm The Fuck Down didn't go too well. England's new best enemy was lurking around, so he couldn't resist greeting her with a knuckle sandwich.

Somehow, Seychelles was still in love with America. That didn't last.

France: You look so beautiful now you've been fixed.
Taiwan: Aww, I bet you say that to all the girls.
France: Non non non. All the girls and the guys!


And that's my signal to start making everyone apply for scholarships. Other than job-hunting, it's the only time I will give the teens a command and I should probably go and add it to the rules.

France: You know, everyone other than Liechtenstein has had sex now. And if she makes it up with Switzerland, they'll probably have sex too. Do you really want to be the last one?
England: Well when you put it like that...

Belgium: Wanna do it again?
Canada: Hell yeah.

Liechtenstein: TAKE THAT!

Liechtenstein: AND THAT!
Don't know what England's rush was, the chances of Liechtenstein and Switzerland making up are looking less than great. She only stops poking him to poke Seychelles.

She has actually managed to reduce him to tears!

Liechtenstein: CRY MORE, YOU LITTLE SHIT. Your tears only make me stronger!

Now that Liechtenstein's taken over on the 'beat up Switzerland' front, England's free to relax and rock out.
England: It's Friday night and I just got laid, woo!

Liechtenstein: That's right, you're all mine now, buddy!

America: Oh yay, Liechtenstein's gone to the toilet. Now it's MY turn!
Switzerland: Ow!

England: Don't forget, you're still MY number-one enemy too!
America: Woo, England! Break his face!
Switzerland: This is bullshit! Why am I the only one getting beat up?!

Don't worry, you're not.

It's not all fights and arguments though, these two are still being all sweet and adorable.

As are these two.

South Italy: What?!
Nothing, just checking that woohoo in clothing booths is actually working. Carry on.

And we end the update AND the current household here. Next time, it's college! See you there!


small world, sims story, hetalia

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