Hetalia-specific challenges!

Apr 26, 2011 21:19

You may have seen this mentioned in the discussion post, but I thought such a topic deserved a post of its own. I am getting to the end of my asylum and beginning to wonder what to do next. Poverty challenge? Nah, not fannish enough. Awesimsauce? Fun, but again, not fannish enough. Another asylum? And I realised what we need are Hetalia-specific challenges!

These challenges are for Sims 2. They are mostly untested, and your input on how to make them better would be greatly appreciated, as are suggestions on how to make them work for Sims 3. There's no way my game's gonna run that one, so modifications are all up to you. :D

11/10/12 - New Challenges Added!

Challenge one: Big Brother France loves you all! For this challenge, you will need a neighbourhood brimming with Hetalia simmies. How many of them can France track down and woohoo with before the randy bastard dies of old age?

You will need:
Hetalia Sims. As many as possible.
The Teleporter Shrub. This will allow you to turn them into townies.

Your next step is to create France and his love shack. You can use money cheats to build and decorate, but you must start playing with only 1000 simoleans to hand. Either use the familyfunds cheat if you have OFB or higher, or buy some really expensive art. It'd be best not to go overboard with the money cheat - use kaching instead of motherlode, as bills are calculated by the value of your stuff and high priced art probably counts towards that. Then go forth and woohoo! Go to community lots and meet Hetalia sims. Either invite them to your house for some loving, or be daring and see if you can get away with some alfresco nookie. Do this until France loses his mojo - through death!

+100 per individual Hetalia sim woohooed.
+10 per extra woohoo. I'm pretty sure you're not going to be able to get a decent score by settling down with one person, you need to get out there and sow those wild oats.
+500 per individual Hetalia sim woohooed in public. You can still get this with one you woohooed before, but only once per sim. After that, it's back to 10 points per woohoo, even if you do it on the middle of the dancefloor.
-100 every time you are caught cheating
-50 every time Mrs Crumplebottom berates you for you public displays of affection.

If you want to make things more challenging, try moving in a lover or getting a job. No motive cheats or elixir of life, but you may use money cheats to decorate your pimp palace and fund your lifetsyle if a job sounds like too much hard work. You may use ACR because it's fun, but try not to abuse cheats and mods too much. These are challenges!

Challenge two: Become one with Russia! For this challenge, you will need a neighbourhood brimming with Hetalia sims. How many can Russia persuade to move in with him before he dies?

You will need:
Hetalia Sims. As many as possible.
The Teleporter Shrub. This will allow you to turn them into townies.
Lot Full Of Sims. I believe there are many versions of this cheat out there, make sure you get one that's compatible with your expansion packs. (Edited to include a different version as the previous one linked had a limit of 30 sims.)

Next, you will need to create Russia and his happy home. For this one, NO MONEY CHEATS. Once people start moving in, they'll bring cash with them. After that, you will need to find people to become one with you. Go to community lots, find Hetalia simmies and ask them to move in with you. HOWEVER, you cannot control them. You can provide all the creature comforts, but it's up to them to use them all. If you have Seasons and want to make things harder for yourself, set the game to always be in winter.

One exception to the no control rule - if any of the housemates lose their jobs, you can get them another one. It must be the first one in the paper.

+100 per Hetalia sim that moves in. Children born into the house do not count, I'm afraid.
+100 per Hetalia sim that outlives Russia. Again, children don't count.
+1 each skill point your happy family earns.
-10 each mental breakdown.
-50 each fire.
-50 each housemate that loses their job. Oh yes, as townies, they will have jobs.
-500 per Hetalia sim that either moves out or dies in your care. You can plead for their lives and use the genie, should you be lucky enough to get a lamp, but the penalty still stands.

Challenge three: England's friends are really real! For this challenge, you must get to the top of a career. However, all of your friends must be supernatural. None of your friends may be Hetalia sims.

You will need:
Hetalia sims. As many as possible.
Supernatural sims. By supernatural, I mean vampires, witches, werewolves, zombies and plantsims. You can also create regular sims who look like faeries, angels or demons. Servos and aliens do not count, sorry. The game will automatically create a couple of vampires and witches, but you might want to add some more, and the rest of the cast are all up to you to make. The Sims Transformer will help you here, and the Teleporter Shrub will allow you to turn them into townies.

Now you need to create England. No money cheats for this one either, you live alone and are working. Earn your stuff! Get a job and get to the top. Go out to community lots and make friends. However, you may only be best friends with the supernatural. You may associate with other sims, in fact it is encouraged, but they must not become your friends. In other words, if you see France wandering around town, feel free to greet him with a punch in the mouth.

+100 per supernatural friend
+100 per Hetalia sim in your social circle who is NOT a friend but has a relationship of over 20. (That's plus or minus.)
+500 if your career is the cooking one.
-100 per bog-standard, normal BFF.
-500 per Hetalia BFF. Sorry, Iggy.

Challenge four: Why don't you like me? I'm AWESOME! For this challenge, you can choose either America or Gilbert to play with. They want to be popular. Unfortunately, they're obnoxious. Make friends with people - but ONLY after irritating them.

You will need:
Hetalia Si- you know, what, just assume that for every challenge, you will need them. And the shrub.

Make your chosen Awesome sim. They must have the popularity aspiration. Hey, you could even make America AND Gilbert and play both of them at the same time if you think your game can handle that much raw awesome! Money cheats are allowed as set out in challenge one. Now, go forth and make friends. However, your first interaction after greeting must be irritate or brag and you must get the relationship down to -100. After that, you can make friends. How many frenemies can you make before you die?

+100 per friend you irritate.
+500 per friend you irritated so much they attacked.
+100 if that frenemy is a Hetalia sim.
-100 if you didn't irritate the sim first.
-200 if you irritate someone so much, the relationship stays negative.
-10 per relationship that's in the green but not a friend.

Challenge five: You suck at parenting! For this challenge, you will need to raise colonies. Make your chosen Hetalia character an adult and everyone else a toddler. Then raise them to adulthood. Can you be more successful than reality?

Note: You might find it easier to make accurate adults in CAS first and then age down to toddler. Historical accuracy is not important. By all means have Rome bring up half of Europe, or China raise the rest of Asia, but there are no bonus points for it and no penalty if you want one of England's spells to go wrong, leaving America to raise the rest of the G8, or even just have random nations for no reason.

By now I'm assuming you have a hood full of Hetalia sims. In addition, you may also want to install the mod School Doesn't Tank Fun, because there is a difference between 'challenging' and 'why did I think this challenge was a good idea, kill me now.' Just the version that freezes fun though.

Choose your character and their children. Move into a house and raise them. You can choose whether to get a job or not, but if you do, there is a nanny penalty. Sorry. You can use money cheats to build and decorate, but cheat/buy crap back down to $1000 afterwards. If you decide to be a SAHP, you must earn money from novels, paintings and digging up crap until the children are old enough to be worked. If any get taken away by the social worker, you must try to get them back. You may attempt to romance passing sims, but they cannot move in until the kids move out, which will be at the end of their teens but you can only move them in to adopt children who've been removed by the social worker. Should they manage to adopt everyone back, out they go. At least until the kids move out at the end of their teens. No kicking them out to university. You may use Elixir of Life to keep your adult sim alive if needed. And no controlling the kids. Just like reality, you can influence your colonies, but you fail at controlling them. If you die before raising at least one teen, you fail the challenge. If you die AFTER raising one teen, sucks to be you because you still can't control them.

ETA: Mods that allow the kids to autonomously do homework are fine, or even ones that allow the adult to do it for them, because we all know parents do that occasionally. ;) And really, taking the children away for not doing their homework is ridiculous. Dying of hunger? Yes. D- scorecard? Hell naw. But please try to refrain from mods that make it faster, fun, or non-existent. Homework happens and it's usually not fun.

ETA again: I haven't played teens very much before so until recently, I was unaware that friends of teens can call them up and ask if they want to sneak out. If they get a call, you must let them sneak out. If you have Inteen, the risky sneak out flavour pack and lotfullofsims, they may come back pregnant. Good luck with that!

Yet another ETA: So when I wrote this, all the stuff I'd read about adoption said 'the last children to be removed from the house are the first to be adopted, yay.' It neglected to mention 'unless you're trying to adopt back your own kids, in which case, lolno.' So if they all get taken away, you may move in another adult and use them to adopt the children back. You may want to grab the lotfullofsims hack for that as two adults plus seven children equals more than the game limit.

+200 for each toddler that completes the toddler skills.
-500 any time a toddler or child is taken away by social services.
+100 if you manage to get them back.
+50 each time a life stage is done well.
-50 for an unhappy life stage.
+200 if you manage to get your colonies into private school.
-200 if they fail school.
-500 if they reach teenhood and either run away or die.
+150 if they reach teenhood and get a job.
+50 for a successful sneak out.
+1 each skill point your little darlings earn.
+10 bonus for each skill maxed out.
-50 each time you use the nanny. So if you have a regular job, that's -50 each day. If you desperately want to go on a date and hire them once or twice, -50 each time. Yes, single parenthood sucks.
+150 if despite all this, you manage to forge a successful romance.
+300 if that romance is with a Hetalia sim.

Challenge six: Area 51 exists! And it's haunted! America lives in a haunted house with his alien friend, Tony. How many people can he make believe that the truth is out there? Credit for this challenge goes to sayonara_chan, I just typed it up. :D

For this challenge you will need: Telescopes, ghosts and hacks, oh my. And a hood full of nations, obviously. Why don't you have one yet? All the cool kids do.

First, create a family. Don't get too attached to these guys though, they're cannon fodder. Sorry. They don't have to be anything special. If you want to dress them in period clothing or make them dead celebrities, go for it, but there's no extra points. They must be only teens, adults and seniors as they are the only kind of sims that can die. Move your family into an empty lot. And then kill them. You can either let the game kill them to death by itself, or cheat. You will then be left with a haunted lot. Congratulations! You can do that again if you want, but don't go too mad. We do want America to survive long enough to convert believers before he gets scared to death.

Next, go create America and his alien roommate. You can't actually create a real alien sim, but there are lots of custom genetics out there to make a very realistic Tony. If you don't want to use custom content, (why?!?) then you can use boolprop to unlock the games alien genetics - this link will tell you how, just scroll down to Debug Mode.

Move them into the haunted lot. And buy telescopes. Several telescopes of the expensive kind. You won't find any aliens with the crappy cheap telescope. You can use money cheats for this, see challenge one. You will need the telescope hack linked above as the chances for natural abduction are quite small. Keep the rest of the entertainment to a minimum - sims will autonomously use the telescope, but not if they're distracted by other stuff.
NB: Although I know sims autonomously use the telescope, I don't actually know if they're stargazing or just looking. If it's the latter, this challenge will be rewritten slightly. ETA: Housemates autonomously stargaze. Or at least, they do in my game.

The next step is showing everyone the truth. You can control both America and Tony, but if there are any England's in your hood, Tony cannot be nice to them. Sorry Iggy, but he hates you. Talk to passing townies so they'll come inside, invite people over, throw parties, bring friends home from work... just get people inside. You can even ask people to move in, but you're not allowed to control them.

You win the challenge if America and Tony survive to old age. You lose if they die of fright.

+50 per sim who isn't America is scared, but only +1 per extra scare. However, double points if it's a Hetalia sim.
+500 per sim who isn't America or Tony is abducted. I don't know if visitors can be abducted, so you may want the Lot Full Of Sims hack to maximise scoring potential by asking people to move in. Of course, the longer they stay, the higher their chances of being scared to death, and that's a penalty. Add another 200 points if it's a Hetalia sim.
-10 every time America gets scared.
+10 every extra time an England is scared. So that's 50 for the first and 10 for all the rest. And that includes girl England and the Britannia Angel too. Why not ask them all to move in? ;)
+10 every time America or Tony gets abducted. It's a lot less because you can control them and so attempting to get a high score by just making those two stargaze will be difficult.
+500 if any sim gives birth to alien spawn. The game is only coded to allow for male pregnancy, but there are hacks to allow female pregnancy if you want to maximise scoring potential. Again, another 200 for Hetalia sims.
+1000 if Tony gets pregnant.
HOWEVER, on that note...
-500 per sim death on the lot. And a dead pregnant sim counts as two, assuming pregnant sims die. Minus another 200 for Hetalia sims and double it if they were up the duff. And tombstones must stay on the lot.
-5000 if America or Tony die of fright, but only -2000 if it's something else that kills them. And double that if they were pregnant. Except old age, obviously. No minus points for that.
+200 if any alien spawn live to teenhood. There are no minus points if they get taken away by the social worker because this isn't the colony challenge, but it does mean you'd miss out on the bonus points. There are no bonus points for human babies. The social worker is welcome to them. This is Area 51, human babies are boring.
+150 if despite all this, you manage to forge a successful romance.
+300 if that romance is with a Hetalia sim.
-100 if Tony dies having a good relationship with England.

Challenge seven: Nations of the world unite! I quite like legacies, but I've avoided them for my Hetalia sims because I'm fairly sure no-one will give much of a shit about the OC offspring when the original nations die. How do you play a legacy while still playing the canon characters? By not making the offspring heirs. In this challenge, your heir once your founder dies... is the surviving spouse! How many nations can you marry in?

For this challenge, you will need the teleporter shrub and lots of nations. You are only allowed to use cheats to fix glitches, decorate with moveobjects, murder ugly townies and age up glitchy babies. No money, no maxmotives, no spawning cellphones and wishing wells.

Choose a nation to be your founder. Move them into a lot and begin the usual legacy shenanigans - grubbing up enough money for a roof, finding a job and finding a spouse. Your spouse must always be another nation. You can breed them if you like, even send the children to university, but once they're adults, they must leave the main house FOREVER. The focus is the nations. Which is why when one of them dies, the grieving widow/er must remarry as soon as possible. You know how a regular family tree looks like a triangle? Your family tree is going to be a rectangle. The deceased spouse's grave must remain on lot, and... that's pretty much the only rules. The rest is up to you. Awesimsauce? Go for it! I'm Surrounded By Idiots? Why not? A random mini challenge each week? Sure! Just make sure you keep marrying in nations.

You win if you can keep the household going for ten different marriages. You lose if both your nations die without marrying in someone new.

Challenge eight: Welcome to the global market! For this challenge, the best businessperson in the world wins.

You will need:
Open For Business.
You know what else. Don't make me say it.

You will need a minimum of two nations for this challenge, in different households. There's no maximum number of households except what you and your PC can handle. No money cheats, no sleep on community lot cheats. Use other cheats at your discretion. Move your nations into their happy homes and then buy them a community lot. You can get a job in order to raise funds for your business, but you'll probably want to quit it at some point. Or not, it's up to you. Make the most blatantly stereotypical business you can think of. America could run a burger bar. England could run a pub. Italy could run a fashion boutique or perhaps a store that sells nothing but spaghetti. Have Austria max out creativity and sell tickets for his violin performances. Finland can run his own winter wonderland while dressed as Santa. Do you have Seasons? Why not make Seychelles sell fish, or Spain sell home grown tomatoes? As for Sweden? Three words - Ikea Stuff Pack.

Play each household in rotation and run the businesses. Keep track of the days, and the nation who reaches level 10 the quickest is the winner. Everyone else fights for position on the leader board. Of course, everyone wants to win, so feel free to sabotage your rivals by going to their businesses and starting fights, stealing food, setting fires and generally causing chaos. Just try not to neglect your own business while you're at it. You may hire townies to work for you, including townie nations, but no playables may work for each other. You may romance anyone you feel like, but no playables may move in together and no townie spouses may work in your store. The outcome of each business depends on the single nation who owns it.

Additional scoring:
+100 per business level reached.
-100 every time a level is lost.
+100 per good review.
-100 per bad review.
+100 per Best Of The Best award.
+100 every time you successfully sabotage a rival business.

Challenge nine: the Brokeback Challenge!
You will need: The University expansion pack.
And other stuff.

Now this isn't actually a challenge I thought of, but I can't find the site where it was originally posted. The idea was to start with a male playable in college, have an epic gay romance and then get married to a woman once you graduate. Continue your affair, never get caught. Well, that sounds just perfect for the Austria-Hungary-Prussia love triangle, doesn't it!?

So, first step is to make Austria and Prussia. The easiest way to make them young adults is probably to make them as adults, age them down into teenagers, and then make them townies. Next, go to your college subhood, where there is an option to grown up townie teens. Presto, you have YA Austria and Prussia, loves young dream. For extra funsies, turn all the other nations into teens, then use this cheat to age them up while they're on a college lot. They will then become YA townies. For super extra funsies, make everyone wear World Academy uniforms. Also check out the rest of that site, CSItaly has all sorts of Hetalia themed stuff.

Once Prussia and Austria have graduated, move them into separate households, then start playing Austria. Hunt down Hungary, woo and marry her. Get her a job... and then whenever she's at work, Austria must phone Prussia and invite him over for some secret lovin'. Every time she is at work. EVERY TIME. OK, woohoo EVERY TIME might get exhausting, but something romantic must happen on each visit, even if it's just a stolen kiss. You may even sneak out on dates, but there is a penalty if you are caught by any friends of Hungary.

You MUST play any chance card Hungary gets, no ignoring them. Hungary is allowed to meet Prussia, even become friends with him, but she is never allowed to see any date flowers Prussia delivers. Austria must hide them all in his inventory, although he can pass off other gifts as stuff he found while hiking.

If Hungary dies without ever finding out about the affair, congratulations, you have won. Austria and Prussia can live happily ever after. HOWEVER, that does not mean you can cheat a win by killing her. If she dies of anything other than old age, you must plead for her life. If you lose to Grim, Austria must then take a job in the Paranormal career path, obtain the Resurrect-O-Nomitron and bring her back. You may only buy Elixir Of Life for Austria once.

If Austria dies first, but Hungary never finds out about the affair, you win, but it's the bad ending. No happy ever after for poor Prussia. And if Hungary ever catches the pair cheating, it's GAME OVER. She must divorce Austria and kick him out. The end.

Scoring starts after graduation and is as follows:
+5 each time Prussia sneaks over.
-5 if Prussia sneaks over but nothing romantic happens.
-50 every time you forget to invite Prussia over.
+10 each time Prussia and Austria shag in the marital bed.
+25 each sneaky dream date.
+50 each sneaky dream date that takes place in public.
+50 sneaky public woohoo, if public woohoo can even be called sneaky.
-50 if you are ever witnessed cheating by anyone who has a best friend or BFF flag with Hungary. I know sims have Jedi mind tricks and can tell if a sim is on a date as soon as they step foot on the lot, but for the sake of the challenge, witnessed cheating is classed as any romantic interaction that takes place in the same room.
-50 if Hungary ever spots date flowers. She doesn't even have to read the label, just see it, so watch out for Prussia sneaking onto the lot.
-100 if Hungary dies.

And that's all I can think of for now! Please feel free to suggest more in the comments, perhaps we can thrash out something involving America and ghosts or aliens, or a Brokeback challenge with the Austria-Hungary-Prussia triangle, or something involving Canada's invisibility, or a home business run by China. Oh hey, just look at all those strikethroughs! Anyone got anything for Canada?


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