Title: Countdown to goodbye
Pairing: Kangin/Eeteuk
Genre: Angst
WC: 927
Summary: Kangin ignores the signs to his heartbreak.
A/N: Kangin-POV. This one popped in my head just as I was about to go to sleep and I didn’t have a paper ready so most of the original (and I think better) lines were forgotten. Mianhe!
Countdown to Goodbye )
Comments 7
KangTeuk must BE forever!
please do something .-.
I duno want them breaking up!
thanks for reading!
would you like me to add you back?xP
I mean!
My broke my heart!
i actually just made this on a whim but i'll see what i can do..^^ or perhaps i'll make an entirely new one that's fluffy?xP
cause, you said KangTeuk
and finally ends in KiTeuk(?)
I love Eeteuk x Everyone, but.. I hate when Kangin cries..
as I said, I fell in love with this fic..
and I will be keep reading your next KangTeuk
But please!
Continue this one!
but i'll keep your request in mind.. i just can't promise to have it so soon.. but i will try.. i'm glad you love this fic..<3
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