Alpha reading.bacaninhoSeptember 16 2009, 19:49:46 UTC
Heya Becca!
How's life? I'm just dropping in to say hi and advise you that, in fact, I am not dead. What have you been up to?
On a different note, I was wondering, what kind of stuff is your husband writing? Is he looking for alpha readers? Just curious. I wouldn't mind giving his stuff a try if he's interested.
Re: Alpha reading.rajsugarfootSeptember 23 2009, 05:13:20 UTC
I have, in fact, been up to precisely what I wrote about. XD Seriously though, I mostly just go to work, talk to people on the phone, come home, and either read, play computer games, or play Xbox. Nothing too exciting.
If you are interested in reading N's latest endeavor, visit (it's his writing lj account). The first few entries are for various ideas he's working on... but anything labeled Harbinger is part of his last complete work, a strange hybrid of fantasy and western. Still a first draft, but you are welcome to read it and give feedback if you so desire. Mostly he writes fantasy with lots of action and fighting.
Comments 4
It is very strange to be back on campus when most of your friends have gone . . .
How's life? I'm just dropping in to say hi and advise you that, in fact, I am not dead. What have you been up to?
On a different note, I was wondering, what kind of stuff is your husband writing? Is he looking for alpha readers? Just curious. I wouldn't mind giving his stuff a try if he's interested.
If you are interested in reading N's latest endeavor, visit (it's his writing lj account). The first few entries are for various ideas he's working on... but anything labeled Harbinger is part of his last complete work, a strange hybrid of fantasy and western. Still a first draft, but you are welcome to read it and give feedback if you so desire. Mostly he writes fantasy with lots of action and fighting.
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