Warning: Random

Jan 13, 2004 07:53

Sports Night Quote Of The DayDan: I read Beowulf in three hours ( Read more... )

dreams, sports night

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Comments 15

gpsysngbrd January 13 2004, 04:38:34 UTC
I dreamed that my cat got outside into the backyard and then a car drove up and stole her. When I asked them why anyone would do anything like that they said it shouldnt matter because we have another cat. Dont worry I got her back -- but not before practically getting my arm smashed in the window.
First thing I did was get up and find Bailey but of course she didnt want to be held which is creepy because thats what she was like in my dream!


raisingirl99 January 13 2004, 04:52:43 UTC
Ugh, that's horrible. Whenever I dream that something's happened to someone I know (especially if it's a family member) I go check on them first thing, too.


gpsysngbrd January 13 2004, 14:31:36 UTC
Worst part was sometimes I dream things and then they happen like two weeks later. But this is two weird. Its kind of unlikely that someone's going to drive into my backyard.


raisingirl99 January 13 2004, 18:07:55 UTC
Yeah, that does sound unlikely (which is a good thing!). Wow, so you've dreamed things that then came true? Were they usually good or bad things, or did it just depend?


acangie January 13 2004, 04:41:16 UTC
You should post the quote in the Sports Night comm :)


raisingirl99 January 13 2004, 04:53:38 UTC
Good idea! (Hope I did it right.)


crazyjay January 13 2004, 04:58:26 UTC
I love Dan too.

What classes are you deciding on? I hope that you are happy with whatever you choose.

I'd be freaked over a dream like that, or maybe not. I'm not sure. Strangely some of my weirder dreams don't disturb me. But I have to add that I did have a disturbing dream about my dad and sister this morning. It was like I was getting ready to say goodbye to them. I don't know. Our minds work in mysterious ways. But don't worry about it. I know it's easy for me to say, but usually dreams are not as they seem. Usually they are trying to tell you something else. I hope you don't think about it much.

Have a good day! :)


raisingirl99 January 13 2004, 18:14:47 UTC
I was deciding between Numerical Linear Algebra and a topology course, but I decided on the algebra. I remembered that I had heard some bad things about the topology prof. from a couple of my former classmates. So, I'll see how it goes. :\

I know it's easy for me to say, but usually dreams are not as they seem. Usually they are trying to tell you something else.

You know, that's what my sister always says -- she's into dream analysis and that sort of thing. Thank you for the advice. :)

Also, thanks for wishing me a good day! I read that right before I left my dorm room, and it helped put me in a good mood. :) I hope you have a great week. :)


crazyjay January 14 2004, 05:25:00 UTC
I have no clue what topology is, although I feel like I should know it. I hope alg isn't too bad. I used to like the easy alg but I don't know how hard your class will be. And it's good that you have some info on the instructor from others. It's usually helpful to get other's opinions on instructors.

That's cool that your sister is into dream analysis. And yeah, from what I heard from "dream experts" on tv lol they usually say dreams aren't as they seem and are symbolism for other things. The tricky part is figuring what it means.

Aww I'm glad if I can help you in anyway. I hope you did have a good day and I hope you have a great week. Hang in there sweetie! And good luck with classes! :)


raisingirl99 January 16 2004, 04:12:32 UTC
I have no clue what topology is, although I feel like I should know it.

I'm still not entirely sure what it is exactly, and I actually attended a class. :)

Thank you so much for all of your good wishes! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. :)


dani_ellie January 13 2004, 05:51:02 UTC
Dude, I'd be totally freaked over a dream like that. I once had a dream that my brother died, and when I woke up, I went into his room at like, 4 am, woke him up, and asked if he was okay. It was really freaky.

So, yes, I know where you're coming from. :)


raisingirl99 January 13 2004, 18:16:46 UTC
What a horrible dream! I hate it when dreams involve death. *shudders*

Thank you for understanding, though!


shoshannagold January 13 2004, 07:41:29 UTC
Oh, I love Dan, too. In fact, I wish I were in bed, dreaming about him, right now. Instead I'm at the library. There is something wrong with my life.

My advice is to take the class you're going to like the most. That way you'll want to kill yourself less when things get stressful.

Oh, sweetie, that sounds like a terrible dream. I'm going to send Tinkerbell your way tonight. She'll take care of that subconscious junk.


raisingirl99 January 13 2004, 18:59:20 UTC
Instead I'm at the library. There is something wrong with my life.

Heh. I know that feeling. At least you should feel good about all you've accomplished today. Plus, as for Dan, there's always tonight... ;)

My advice is to take the class you're going to like the most. That way you'll want to kill yourself less when things get stressful.

That got a big laugh out of me this morning, because you know me too well. :) Thank you for the good advice.

I'm going to send Tinkerbell your way tonight. She'll take care of that subconscious junk.

Yay! Seriously, thank you so much, hon. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.


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