Warning: Random

Jan 13, 2004 07:53

Sports Night Quote Of The Day:

Dan: I read Beowulf in three hours.
Casey: How'd you read Beowulf in three hours?
Dan: I didn't read it, really, but I saw the movie.
Casey: Ah, but there's no movie for Beowulf.
Dan: What the hell movie did I see?

I'm trying to decide between two classes to take, which is stressful for me, because I don't want to choose the *wrong* class. Then again, they'll all most likely be impossible.

I dreamed last night that I was raped (nothing graphic -- the dream mostly dealt with my reactions and such), and now I'm a little freaked out.

I need to eat breakfast, get dressed, and, you know, start my day, and yet I'm still sitting here...

dreams, sports night

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