Title: Cybersex
Characters/Pairing: Verde/unnamed OC
Summary: Whoever invented image sharing must have been a denizen of hell.
Word Count: 431
Rating: Gen/PG
Warnings: First time writing Verde, wonky formatting. Otherwise safe.
Not as young as Bianchi but far too young for a man who was stubbornly celebrating his fortieth birthday next month, despite the physiological inconsistencies. )
Comments 2
I love Verde in general and yes he seems like a cocky SOB in canon, but a guy that nerdy can't have had any luck in relationships. I really love how awkward he is and how he actually starts thinking of the others. It shows exactly what his strengths are in comparison to theirs.
I'm glad you like it. ♥♥♥
And LULZ THAT'S WHAT I WAS FORGETTING orz. I hope he came out cocky enough, at least? xDD
Thanks for reading. ♥
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