Oh my God.
I have had many and varied experiences of assault upon my person, but I believe the one today tops the lot
For today, my dears, on the bus I got punched in the eye by An OLD LADY. Although technically speaking she punched me in the glasses. I am willing to believe it was an accident, although I feel that on deeper levels a number of
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Comments 10
i just smiled at her!
[and i'm not ruling out that it could have been an accident]
Old women can do that, they have bionic hips specially implanted.
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Jolly good story though. I'm sorry about your eye but it gave me something to chuckle over as I nibbled on my sandwich.
Strasno je to sta se desava, ovo ti nije prvi put.
I pre su te oni mladici udarili ako se dobro secam.
Ako takvih slucajeva bude vise, Beograd ti je i srcem i dusom otvoren i stoji ti na raspolaganju da se vratis u njega kad god zazelis.
Nadam se da ti je oko dobro i da nemas vece povrede.
Znam da si bila u soku, posto je i mene sinoc jedna zena gurnula na vratima kada smo izlazile iz busa, ali ovaj put sam se okrenula i rekla POLAKO, BRE! Ja-ovako sitna, gde i dete moze da me prebije. Posle sam se opet korenula i odmahivala glavom u znak negodovanja i coktala, a ona me je gledala kao da sam joj najgori neprijatelj na svetu. Znam da je tesko, ali nekad moras odreagovati, makar digni frku (jer sam sigurna da je to jos neko primetio).
Puno te volim i ljubim
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