So far, this meme is going okay for me and I've found ships for each question. I'm having a bit of trouble with me favorite couple from a movie mostly because I've only watched TV shows this year and I can't remember movie couples that I liked although I'm sure there were many! Could you give me a few of your favorites, so maybe I can get a bit of inspiration?
Day 02 - What was your very first ship? Belle/Beast (Beauty & The Beast)
As a little kid who loved Disney, it was obvious that my favorite ship had to come from a Disney movie. Mine was Beauty and the Beast. Belle was my favorite princess and I loved this love story so much. I remember imagining so many other scenarios for them after the Beast turned back into a prince. Oh, my very first ship.
Caps from:
Disney Screencaps Previous days:
Day 01 - What is your current favorite ship?