[Multichapter] Our life is a Dance with Death - Chapter 4, Falling Into His Trap.

Jul 01, 2016 22:09

Title : Our life is a Dance with Death - Chapter 4, Falling Into His Trap.
Author: rainbowdots888
Pairings: Ryo x Ohkura
Rating: PG 15 (swearing, blood)
Length: Multi Chapter ( 4 / ? )
Words: 2206
Genre: AU, angst, romance
Disclaimer: Too bad for me, I don't own these men... just these stories.

Summary: 8UPPERS AU. Expect fights, blood, irreverence, but also romance, I'm a softy. "Yield to temptation. It may not pass your way again."


The day was beautiful beyond any expectations Ace could have had. He usually hated hanging out when the sun was high, seeing himself as a nocturnal animal, living on alcohol, cigarettes and adrenaline. But that afternoon was slightly different. The breeze was soft and caressing, the temperature perfect and he was snoozing blissfully on a rug, tickled by the sunrays. The fact that his pillow was Johnny's shoulder made it even better, as both of them were digesting the gigantic picnic they had prepared and eaten. Ace listened to the children's playful screams and the buzzing of the city around them with a new ear, feeding himself with life and light.

When he felt he couldn't nap longer, he sat up and played with some hair grass that were growing around them. Getting bored during such an amazing day wouldn't do. He started to tickle the sleeping body lying next to him with the grass, running it lightly along the other's forearm, shoulder and neck, up to his ear. He hadn't been so childish for years but it felt so good that he kept exploring Johnny's face with his toy until he woke him up.

“It tickles.”

“Yeah, I know. I've been doing this for quite a long time... Your sleep is so deep.”

“Mmmm. I was dreaming. It was great. I hope you have a good reason for bringing me back to reality...”

“You were dreaming of me, of course... And we were on that beach, together, far from this crappy place, ignoring the sunset because we had wayyyy sexier things to do and...”

“Tssss. Not even close. You're such a wishful thinker... I was dreaming of a good curry.”

“Oh.” Ace couldn't clearly put words on his feelings at that point but disappointment was certainly one of them. Somehow he would have loved Johnny even more at that second if he had played along this little game with him. The day was too beautiful to reduce it to curry dreams. “So you're hungry, like, one hundred percent of the time ?”

“Yep. Oh come on, don't sulk. I'm hungry for you as well...” His lover's lips touched his jaw, slowly following its outline only to gain access to his pouty mouth. And after the very few days that their relationship had lasted Ace already knew that he couldn't resist to such an invitation. He turned to the other and gave in, kissing him hungrily, trying to dissolve the slightly uncomfortable feelings he had just experienced in the embrace. When a cold shadow suddenly loomed over them, he didn't react, thinking that eventually a cloud had succeeded in hiding the sun. It's when someone cleared his throat next to them that they finally broke their kiss. A freezing aura was surrounding them, feeling like the crazy wind announcing a storm.

“Oh nice, you've found yourself a nice little boyfriend here, Jo.”

Four men were looking at them, masking the sun with their tall figures. The one who had talked was slightly shorter, but obviously the boss, surpassing the others in elegance and charisma. He was handsome, in his thirties, the hair dark and glossy falling in supple curls around his face. His beard was short and delicately trimmed, which aged him just enough to trigger respect from youngers. But what Ace despised from the very first look were his eyes. Intense and piercing, they drilled a hole through him, through his existence as they were observing, engraving every single details of him for future reference. Johnny had frozen on the blanket, his gaze kept low to avoid the eye contact. His right hand clenched Ace's thigh, grabbing the denim of his jeans firmly.

“... And you are...?” said the boxer to save time. The threatening figure could very well be the last person he wanted to meet that day, and if he were, he might as well know it quickly. A good escape had to be planned.

“Oh... And sexy voice on top of that... My name's Keisuke Hasegawa. Nice to meet you. I'm surprised my darling here didn't tell you about me. I like to be told about... I find it incredibly funny when my victims, the ones that I've never met before, already know my name. It adds to the pleasure when I finish them off. It's flattering to be a legend, you see.”

“Nope. Never heard about you. You must be very forgettable in the end... Anyway, what do you want ?”

“Well... I'll just warn you for today. No one plays with my toys. And, too bad, this one's mine.” Keisuke was pointing at Johnny, smiling with delight at his effect on the young man. The henchmen around him looked nervously around, ready to fight if anything happened.

“No one's yours. Leave. Leave now.” Johnny's voice was low, almost like the growl of a wounded animal. It startled them all and the silence fell heavy on their group. In a reckless movement, Keisuke kneeled in front of Johnny and lifting his head with one finger, captured his gaze.

“Is that how you should talk to me ? Darling, you were sweeter before. I don't think this guy has a good influence on you. You should...”

The young man suddenly spat on Keisuke's face as his face turned red out of rage. Ace laid a hand on his shoulder, to prevent any further action. It was not the moment to take revenge. They couldn't escape a bunch of enraged killers twice in the same week, as miracles were not likely to happen in their world.

“Ah. See? Bad influence...” The man wiped his face with his sleeve and stood up. No anger could be seen on his face, which Ace found especially threatening. How could he keep his cool so well ? “Alright, I've seen more than enough for today. Let's go guys. You two... remember that you're never alone. I'll keep an eye on you, and one day, Jo... You'll get what you deserve. You've been a very bad boy.”

They left slowly, as if the world belonged to them, picking a flower here and there and filling the air with their raucous laughter. The sun reappeared but its hotness was not enough to warm the lovers up. Johnny grabbed his bag and left in silence, followed by a very confused Ace.


The light of dawn, making its way through the broken shutters of Ace's room, had almost reached their faces. He had been awake for a while now, observing the rays of light crawl on both their skins, higher and brighter every second. Johnny had said nothing the previous night after the unfortunate meeting in the park. He had gone behind his bar, had taken the orders and grimaced at some pushy women before calling it a day. He had knocked at Ace's door later in the night, only to collapse onto the untidy bed and snuggle up in his lover's arms. No words had been exchanged as the boxer was not sure how to deal with the situation. He had spent a shitty night between nightmares and internal debates. He was only sure of one thing : they had to talk about it and ask their friends for help. When the light finally caressed the young man's nose, his face twitched and his eyes opened slowly.

“Morning... How are you today ? Better ?” Saying something like this, Ace felt like breaking a thick wall of silence between them, as he was not even sure to remember what the other's voice sounded like.

“I'm... Okay. Thank you for letting me stay with you.”

“Are you kidding me ? You're welcome anytime here...”

“Yeah, thanks. But... how about we stick to my room from today ? Yours is... special.” Johnny smiled brightly saying that and Ace felt suddenly as if nothing special had happened. He still didn't get how a simple smile from his lover could erase so much in a second, but he wouldn't argue. A smile was a lot more than what he had expected. He leaned forward to give him a kiss and the other responded to it with passion.The boxer forced himself to part, remembering his resolutions.

“Wait... We should... tell the others. Now.” Johnny looked surprised for a second before smiling softly.

“Yes. We will... Just let me kiss you.”

“But...” The other's lips were already on his and silenced him, muffling his protest. Soon, what had just happened faded, his body and mind too busy dealing with the pleasure granted by the expert tongue and lips that roamed his body. Eventually he was there, in Johnny's arms, taking and giving in a whirlwind of touches, every second bolder and more in love. This scene that he had pictured in his mind hundreds of time since he had pushed the Temptation Room door exceeded his most incredible fantasies. But lost as he was in this storm of feelings, Ace's kept being mindful of the other's pleasure. And it may have been the first time he felt that sharing was the best thing ever. That love could teach lessons.
His lover went further than they had ever been, offering his everything to him, surrendering to his caresses and desires in a storm of moans. For once in his life he knew what completeness was as he came in a blissful cry.

Before collapsing again on his bed, satisfied and exhausted, he kissed the beloved lips softly and whispered :

“Today, we're telling the others. I won't lose you. Ever. We'll protect you...”

Johnny laughed, almost jockingly, before answering with the deepest voice he could carry out.

“I love you. Remember this moment forever. I'm yours.”

And Ace fell asleep on these words, his heart at peace.


He opened his eyes for the second time that day to an empty bed. The other was gone and the only proof he had ever been there was the luscious scent still lingering on the pillow. Ace got up and stretched his spent body with a smile on his lips, thinking that he would sell everything he possessed to be able to live this morning again and again. Still smiling broadly he left his room and checked if the Temptation Room was locked. It was. Johnny may have gone directly to the bar or might be waiting for him in the lounge. They had an important mission today : convince the others of the threat and act, as a group, as a family. Ace's faith was however a bit shaken when he arrived in the lounge and saw that everyone was there except for his lover. The boys were discussing, training or just reading books sprawled on the sofa, but Johnny was nowhere to be seen.

“Hey ! 'Morning guys...”

“ 'Morning !” answered five voices in a perfect chorus.

Arsenal raised an eyebrow and stopped reading the newspaper he had in hand.

“Ace... What happened to you ? Are you ok ? You're smiling !”

“Ahah. So funny. Stop trying humor, it doesn't suit you. Did anyone see Johnny this morning by the way ?”

“Ow, you lost your new toy ?” Arsenal voice was filled with envy and his sneaky comment achieved to attract the others' attention.

“New toy ? What does that mean ?” Mac had given up his accounting and was now looking at him from his desk, his intimidating black eyes set on the boxer. Even Toppo had paused his video game and was muttering a litany of 'Interesting...' like a mischievious kid savoring the latest schoolyard rumor.
Ace felt stripped off his clothes and skin, his heart bare in front of his friends. Arsenal would pay for that attitude, for sure, but he had a more urgent matter to handle at the moment.

“Means... nothing. The old man is being his usual snarky self. So ? Anyone ?”

“Nope. Haven't seen him in a while. Last time I talked to him was yesterday, early evening.” Gum was sipping one of his glasses of milk, the former allusion apparently without effect on his unsuspicious soul.

“Yeah, same here” answered Jacky.

“In fact, he didn't eat breakfast with us this morning, which is super strange given the glutton he is.” Toppo had resumed his game and punctuated his speech with the bips of his console. The attention span of that kid was disastrous.

As his friends made their report, it became clear to Ace that his lover had disappeared from the club. His cellphone had been abandoned on the counter and his shades were still resting on the table. The truth sank in his heart as he remembered the last words Johnny had whispered to him this very morning when he was falling asleep in his arms.

I love you. Remember this moment. I'm yours.

These words of adoration now sounded like a cruel farewell. As his heart shattered into millions of dismayed pieces, Ace managed to utter some words :

“I think we have a problem. A serious one.”


Chapter four done ! This one was difficult to write... life, characterization, feelings...
Where's Johnny ? ;)

ryohkura, romance, multichapter

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