[Multichapter] Our life is a Dance with Death - Chapter 3, A Matter of Life and Death

Jun 12, 2016 22:04

Title : Our life is a Dance with Death - Chapter 3, A Matter of Life and Death
Author: rainbowdots888
Pairings: Ryo x Ohkura, Ohkura x Subaru
Rating: PG 15 (swearing, blood)
Length: Multi Chapter ( 3 / ? )
Words: 3274
Genre: AU, angst, romance
Disclaimer: Too bad for me, I don't own these men... just these stories.

Summary: 8UPPERS AU. Expect fights, blood, irreverence, but also romance, I'm a softy. "Yield to temptation. It may not pass your way again."


A bottle of beer in hand, Ace was wandering through the club after a busy night. The others had gone to bed already as he had offered to finish the cleaning in the kitchen. He had come to love the place silent recently, the exact opposite of what it was when buzzing with hundreds of lives and reeking of spilled alcohol and sweat. In the end he started to get why Johnny was so tidy behind his bar... and in his room. What he had seen as an obsessive compulsive disorder for years finally made sense: it was an armor, a bubble of tidyness in the middle of the great whirlwind that was their official job. And to think of it, coming to see the world like Johnny was scary. That single kiss may have fried his brain more than the thousand of blows he had received throughout his life.

When he stepped into the lounge, the furniture had already been put back in place, ready to welcome their daily activities. Someone was sleeping soundly on the old couch, lying on it has if he had collapsed right there. Ace walked up to the couch, to identify the body and just when he recognized Johnny, his face smiling peacefully, someone else moved in the room. In front of him, behind the couch, appeared Arsenal holding a blanket in his arms. Staring right into his eyes in defiance, the gunman covered the sleeping body with the warm fabric and gestured silently towards the kitchen. Those black eyes could have killed as sure as one of his gun's bullets, if he had wanted to... so Ace followed silently, fearing the discussion ahead. The other had found two old chairs and patted one of them for the boxer to seat before closing the kitchen's door... they wouldn't be heard by anyone.

“So...” Arsenal lit up a cigarette, letting his word linger in the thick air a bit too long for Ace's taste. “So you are hitting on him ?” His dark hair was falling in messy bangs before his eyes, making it harder for the younger man to catch every nuance of the speech. Should he answer 'yes' or 'no' ? It was a matter of life and death with someone as weird as Arsenal.

“I... Don't know ? Are you going to kill me without eye witnesses if I say yes ?”

The other laughed softly, exhaling clouds of smoke that went directly to Ace's eyes, blurring his vision.

“No... I'm not a cold bitch. I may be a bit on edge but I still control myself. Is it a yes then ?”

“Yes... Kind of.”

“There's no 'kind of' with him. It's yes or no. Friendly advice.”

“You know I was there, on the roof. I don't know how, but I can feel it.”

“Yeah, I had noticed you from the beginning. You fail at those ninja things, you know ? Anyway... I appreciate you said nothing about it to the others.” He offered his cigarette to Ace, who surprisingly refused.

“You're welcome. I know how to keep secrets.”

“As we're at it, man... I was there too when you 'visited' Johnny's room. You were quite bold, touching him in his sleep. Thankfully, Gum walked by. What would you have done then ? Take advantage ?”

“Of course not. I'm not... a monster.” Ace shrugged then, remembering the fascination he had experienced in this room, the soft skin under his fingers, the flicking lights, painting the walls red on the rhythm of his heartbeats. “...But what were you doing in his room as well ? Isn't your 'thing' finished ?”

He had stressed the last word with pleasure, reminding the other that he didn't have any right to be there either.

“I broke into the room. I still have the key, you see... A brass band could play 'Amazing Grace' in his room when he's sleeping like that... There's nothing loud enough to wake him up, so I could take my time to look at some things. But you entered, it's my fault, I should have closed the door.”

“Why didn't you go during the day ? Or when he's not home ?”

“I don't know... I guess I wanted to see. Once more.”

“And what did you want to find ? Because now, you just sound like a stalker to me...”

“Documents. About the guy who's targetting us and Johnny's kinda protecting. I'm sure that guy wants his death and I had to do something, by myself.”

“Time has come for you to tell me everything. And... as for Johnny and the fact we kissed and all... I didn't know anything about your story and I still don't get how it did happen. But my feelings are real. They won't go, they're haunting me. I want him so bad it makes me crazy. And sorry if it hurts you but I won't skip my turn because you're still mourning what you lost.”

“I didn't expect mercy from you. You want him ? Alright. He wants you. But let me tell you, you're embarking on a wicked journey. If you're hurting him though, you know I'll be there to make you understand what it takes to be a gentleman... You are going to tame the beast inside you and become a kitten purring in his arms. You want him ? Teach him how to be loved properly. It's a course he has skipped way too much. If you succeed my friend, I'll be the happiest man alive, but don't fool yourself, others burnt their wings at that little game before you.”

“Challenge accepted.” Ace said in a proud voice. Deep inside, he felt that somehow his own life and sanity were now at stake, in the most rightful fight he'd led in years.

“Alright. Now, let's fill you in about Keisuke...”


The tall guy walked without hesitation to the smaller one seated on the locker room's bench. He brushed some long and dark bangs away from his lover's eyes and passed it behind his ear. Arsenal looked up, apparently surprised. He nonetheless opened his arms and let Johnny straddle him as he caressed his back. His hands and muscles were painful after a long day of shooting training but soon he relaxed as gorgeous lips went from his naked torso to his mouth, kissing their way up eargerly. He let a moan slip past his own lips when the other's hands joined the feast and caressed his tired hips. They were hot and soft, perfect to forget his pain and the fact that they were still hiding from the rest of the world. He loved that feeling of urgency, that fear of being discovered that fueled their desire for each other transforming a simple kiss in a heated make-out in the matter of a second. There were no words between them, most of the time. Touches, kisses, cries and moans seemed to be enough. When Arsenal slipped his fingers under the other's tank top, he flinched in pain, ending the embrace in a grimace.

“... Are you ok ?”

“I... It hurts here, please don't touch” said the young man in a shy smile.

“Show me.”

“What ? No... You don't need to see, it's...”

Arsenal lifted the thin fabric up quickly to discover a large bruise on Johnny's stomach. The skin was black and purple, the swelling as large as an open hand. He could read guilt on the other's face, looking every inch like a child about to be reprimanded.

“You saw him ? Again ?!”

“Well, it was just... I needed that info for Jacky and... You know how he is, he likes me so much and...”

Arsenal pushed his lover, throwing him back on his own feet. His face distorted with anger he screamed.

“Why are you doing this ?? He will kill you one day !”

“It's my fucking job ! It's what I'm needed for ! My utility. Don't scream at me like this, I'm not a child anymore !” Johnny's voice was distorted by the sobs, tears running on his cheeks. The pain in Arsenal muscles had returned, his head buzzing with jealousy and hatred. He lifted a hand high ready to slap the other who was now kneeling in front of him. As his palm was coming down with force he saw eyes, wide open and afraid. Johnny was just waiting for the blow, the disbelief and betrayal visible all over his face.

Not me. I can't do this.

Arsenal fell on his knees as well, as his arm went down with him, weak and trembling. He looked at Johnny and smiled softly.

“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. I love you so...”

“You'll never touch me again, you hear ? Never. I'm not your thing.”

“I didn't know what I was doing, I'm so sorry... Don't leave me please...”

“Never. I'm done with your jealousy.”

The young man stood up and towering over the gunman said in a shaking voice :

“Anyway, Keisuke is getting married soon, to a woman. This was his farewell present. See ? You don't need to worry anymore. And I came back with lots of information for us. I'm useful, you all need me.” Tears were rolling down his cheeks, pooling on the sides of his mouth.


Arsenal lit up his fifth cigarette, still standing in front of Ace. His voice was very calm, almost soothing.

“It's the last time I ever kissed him. You don't know how much I regret that day. But I know at least a thing : this Keisuke wants him dead. He knows too much about his 'unreasonable' fantasies and kinks, and even collected proofs of this throughout the months their little games lasted. The guy is getting married to one of the girls of the wealthiest fucker around here and doesn't want anyone in his way. Johnny is nothing for him, just another cockroach he can step on. He almost succeeded last time, but you were here and you were amazing. No kidding, I'm really thankful. But we need to stop him definitely.”

“Why didn't Johnny tell us about it ?”

“He doesn't want to be thrown out. If he talks about all of this he fears Mac and Jacky would 'fire' him. He doesn't want to be abandoned... again.”

“But we wouldn't...”

“Good luck explaining this to him. I tried, I failed. And I made lots of mistakes on my side too. He won't listen to me anymore. Love him, and protect him if you can... And maybe he'll speak.”


“Hi. So you're drinking by yourself in lousy bars ?”

Ace had put up his flashiest smile, testing his acting skills for the first time. He had followed Johnny out in the morning and through his day in the crowded city. Remembering that he had no Ninja skills - which was only Arsenal's personal opinion after all - he had kept a good distance between them until the young man entered a bar. Waiting outside by himself for almost two hours, he had decided that the hell of consequences, he would come in and check if the other had fled using the backdoor. Johnny was still in though, reading a book over a glass of bourbon on the rocks.

“Ace ? What the hell are you doing here ?”

“Oh I saw you from the outside...” said the boxer as he pointed at the bar window, hoping his lie would pass through the other's confusion.

“Oh. I was on my way out anyway... I just finished my book.”

“ Ok. Can I walk with you a bit ?”

“You will, even if I say 'no', right ?” And for the first time in weeks, Ace saw a genuine smile stretch the corner of Johnny's lips. This simple movement warmed up his heart and had him terribly excited. So much for being a cold blooded fighter...

They walked alongside each other in silence, the long steps of Johnny leading them to the docks, where a good part of the light available came from the full moon. The place was seedy and as they made their way among the containers, Ace perceived footsteps behind them. Without turning his head towards his friend, he whispered.

“Can you hear that ? Someone's following us.”

“Yeah... For quite a long time already. Keep walking, we're almost there.”

But as the young man finished his sentence three huge men appeared in front of them, getting in their way. The footsteps behind came closer, belonging to two other persons. They were trapped between the two groups, on an alley without any way out. Ace felt Johnny's hand grab his arm in a panic movement as his eyes were frantically looking for an exit. He knew by experience that if they stayed there, they'd be dead by midnight, beaten up by some huge henchmen whose mission was to leave nothing that could be identifiable.

“Are you ready to run ?”

“Yeah... but...”

“If you trust me, we'll be ok. Just hold my hand.” said Ace raising his left hand towards the other. They looked at each other in silence for a second and Johnny caught his hand strongly. When some rocks cracked under the soles of their attackers, triggering the fight, they dashed forward together, the boxer distributing blows and kicks as they went, making his way through the wall of muscles. He didn't even try to stand against those brutes, his strategy was simple : running away as fast as they could. After a few blind punches, they found themselves miraculously on the other side of the group of attackers, visibly disoriented by the stupidity of Ace's plan. They had expected a good brawl following the unwritten rules of the street fights, but the boxer knew very well he couldn't handle the five mountains all by himself. If he had to show humility once in his life, it had to be now. He checked that Johnny's hand was still in his and shouted:

“Run !!!”

And they ran, not letting go of each other, chased by the henchmen in the small streets of the city, turning left or right by chance. Ace's lungs were burning and his muscles felt about to give way when he was suddenly dragged through the entrance of a building by the other. Johnny slammed the door behind them and fell down on the floor, trying to catch his breath. For a few minutes, only they ragged breaths could be heard in the hallway before the young man turned to Ace.

“Could you... let go of my hand ? Please ? You're crushing it.”

“Oh. Sure. Sorry...” he let a small laugh escape him at that, releasing his grip on the other slowly.

“That was the craziest thing we've ever done, damn...”

“I didn't think you could run that fast, you always complain when we have to...”

“Quit that smirk, you brat. I'm not made for sports, that's all.” Johnny was now laughing out loud, the music of it incredibly pleasant to Ace's ears.

“Where are we, by the way ?”

“Ace... we're home. Don't tell me you...”

All of a sudden, the boxer realized Johnny had kind of led them to one of the club's backdoors that they rarely used. Only Gum opened it from time to time when he fed the stray cats of the neighborhood. Johnny got up and smiled, tilting his head in a silent invitation to come with him. Ace followed gently, mesmerized by the other, his body made limp by the race against death they'd just run. They walked down the corridors silently, until Ace found himself into the Temptation Room, sat on Johnny's bed, a smile on his lips.

“Why are you smiling like a retard ? You're injured. Let me take care of this.” The young man was obviously amused by his companion's attitude, discovering this mellow character. He searched through boxes placed on his shelves as Ace was removing his favorite yellow Tshirt, stained with his blood. It seemed like one of the attackers could reach his right shoulder with a blade in the end. There was no pain when the other cleaned the wound carefully and covered it with a white bandage.

“My Tshirt's buggered. Tssss. I loved it.”

“Sorry you lost your favorite piece of fabric. I'll remember it properly.”

“Don't laugh, you fucker...” Said Ace while he caught Johnny's nape with his valid hand. His palm settled there, as his fingers slipped slowly back and forth through the dark hair. He tried to catch the young man's eyes with his gaze, leaning closer to his face every second. “... and kiss me instead.”

Their lips touched slowly as their repressed breaths made them dizzy. There was restraint in this kiss, as if both of them tried to tame their usual ardor. With a light push, Ace knocked Johnny down on his bed. He kept his slow rhythm, afraid of bursting the quiet bubble of comfort and understanding they'd built around them. Kissing the desired lips again and again, he took his time removing the young man's clothes, layer after layer until he was about to get rid of the fitting tank top that remained. Swiftly, Johnny's hands went down and clenched the fabric, keeping it down a little more as panic rose in him. His eyes were worried and the seducing pink shade of his cheeks gave way to a strange pallor.

“Let me see, please. If I have to be yours, I need to know.” The faint whisper in the young man ear made him shiver - of pleasure or worry, Ace was not sure - but soon the clenched hands slowly released the hem of the shirt, falling then limp on both sides of his torso. The boxer patiently disposed of it, and Johnny let him move his limbs around without resistance. Silence fell on the room as Ace followed the marks on the other's body with the tip of his fingers, tracing patterns, jumping from one to another as if he were a blind man discovering a sculpture for the first time. He felt bolder every second, his palms joining the dance of his fingers and embraced the curves he had dreamed of, caressing the scars in a desperate attempt to transform them into a pleasurable sensation. When finally his hands were not enough, he bent over the other's body and pressed his lips softly against the marks, licking from time to time when the other shivered and moaned under him. He couldn't get enough of Johnny's flavor, tasting and smelling every inch of the abused skin in a slow and animal ritual that led him back to the young man's mouth. They were both crying when they kissed again, holding each other so tightly that their arms hurt.

“Please, help me. I've lost control... You have to save me from myself.” whispered Johnny in a broken voice. Ace dried the remaining tears on his lover's cheeks with his thumb and gently kissed the tip of his nose.

“I'll do my best. But let's save you from them first. I won't be able to help you if you die in the first place.”


Oops. Super long Chapter... I could have cut it in two different halves but I wanted to mirror the situations clearly and, well... It's still okay to read.

Thanks for reading ♥

ryohkura, romance, angst, multichapter

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