Title: Pet Owner’s Guide to Raise a Dog
baka_tenshiFandom: YuuGiOh
Characters: Seto Kaiba and Jounouchi Katsuya
Prompt: #22 - Hope
Word Count: 845
Rating: PG-13
Table prompts. Some tips on how to raise the perfect puppy into a well-behaved adult.
Warnings: Language, sexual innuendo, and possible some OOC.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything sadly. Just borrowing for my amusement.
Author's Notes: Another chapter so soon? I'm clearly on a roll! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Please review, especially if you enjoyed it! I adore feedback. ^^
Pet Owner’s Guide to Raise a Dog
By LilyChan
Chapter Seven
Throughout his young years, the infamous Seto Kaiba never learned subtlety. He was always so blunt with whatever he felt, dare he ever feel anything.
With the surge of the warm feelings for the rough blond, Seto didn’t know how to properly act around him. It was ingrained into his head there is etiquette for every situation, but surely no one expected the brunet to be lovey-dovey. That just wasn’t who Seto Kaiba was and eve Mokuba knew that.
Whenever Seto was on the roof with him, he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to kill Jou or to keep him close.
How can someone like me love him without acting like a moron? A complete moron, at that. The question bothered the young man for days whenever he got time to think. On those occasions when Seto was by himself in his room, he’d rent so-called romantic classics and watched them in the privacy of his room.
After about maybe the third movie, halfway through the fourth, Seto realized something very important about the male leads in these stories.
“These men are more than just morons,” he muttered to no one in particular. “They are babbling, lovesick, idiotic, bumbling, stupid, and utterly foolish.” Seto got the remote control and switched the television off. He got comfortable in his grand bed and drifted off to sleep.
I may be in love with some mangy mutt, but I cannot, no, will not devote my life to achieve him. Instead, I will come up with a plan to not only win his heart, but also keep my schedule. It’s perfect.
He couldn’t help but smile at his own genius idea. Seto promptly fell asleep as the wheels in his head turned throughout the night.
The next day at school went by too fast for Seto’s taste. He had to take a breather after school back at his usual spot on the roof. He felt unusually light, perhaps even giddy.
He brought his uniform closer to his body. It’s just the weather. It is a bit nippy out. He slightly shivered to prove his point to himself.
Just like clockwork, Jounouchi Katsuya managed to appear before Seto could even look for him. Seto had to shake his head.
I’m getting too used to his presence.
Seto was about to greet him in his usual way when he noticed something was a bit off. Jou didn’t bother him about some nonsense. Jou didn’t even have a smile on his face. Seto realized that the so-called mutt was sad.
At first, it irritated him. This wasn’t in its usual formula. Seto would be the one who was silent and moody. Seto was the one who was emotionally immature, as Jou kindly put it one day. Seto was always mad and Jou was always happy. That was how things were. They always followed a pattern. Seto cursed to himself at whatever made this change in his pattern.
Out of mostly irritation, Seto blurted out, “What’s wrong with you?”
The blond one didn’t answer for a while. It only made Seto more irritated. He didn’t know how to handle his irritation so he didn’t say anything. It was silent for a little bit until Jou finally answered.
“Ah, it’s nothing. It’s stupid.”
Seto clearly didn’t believe him so he narrowed his blue eyes. While he didn’t believe him, Seto also didn’t care all that much so he changed the subject, but it seemed Jou didn’t want to let the subject change.
“It just sucks that I have to be alone for the holidays,” he said as he laid down on the pavement of the roof. Jou gave Seto a glance. There was something in the blond’s eyes that made Seto’s heart ache. “You know?”
All too well, Seto wanted to say but he felt his jaw was trapped shut and his throat even ran dry. All Seto could do was nod.
“Hey,” Jou said, his usual smile back, “maybe I can hang out with you and Mokuba.”
Seto almost gave him an answer but he remembered when Mokuba told him about his plans with Yuugi and his friends.
“Wouldn’t you want to hang out with your friends? Mokuba’s going.” Seto almost wished he didn’t sound so bitter. “What about your old man then?”
“My old man’s going to his girlfriend’s, if you know what I mean. As for Yuugi… I don’t know. Things have been really weird between us lately. Honda’s spending time with his girlfriend as well so that just leaves you.”
Seto blinked. He wondered what caused a rift between the two friends; and then he wondered why he cared. When he stared into Jou’s brown eyes, he saw something that made his heart beat rapidly.
“I suppose I can try to tolerate you for a couple of days,” Seto said coolly.
Jou smiled brightly. Seto’s heart flew and he felt weak as he remembered a quote from some holiday movie he watched a long time ago.
This is the season of hope. Don’t ever lose it, no matter what.
To Be Continued
Chapter Six - Chapter Eight