He's a meanie.

Sep 04, 2008 03:37

Because I'm being kind and a loving creature ( LOL XD ), I'll be posting my second blogcrew with unlimited claims and unlimited slots. Sorry for not putting any graphics, but I hope you'll like this one. ^-^

Oh, a little note here. You can't claim Tora of alice nine (japan). Sorry. That's my golden rule. Kill me? I don't care. Go make your own blogcrew. *evil grin*

I made this blogcrew because I want to thank the people who joined my first ever blogcrew. I hope everyone liked it. XD;;

「claim here」 effortlessly stole my heart away.
I love him for that, but I hate him for not taking me away too.

Status : Will never close.
5 Commandments :
  1. You cannot claim Tora of alice nine (japan).
  2. Your claims can be from any fandom. Unlimited claims per user, and unlimited users per claim.
  3. If you're going to take the code, please put "He's a meanie." on your subject. Neko-chan won't hunt you, but it really helps my inbox, and me as well.
  4. You like my blogcrews? Join supercrews because I'll be posting my future blogcrews there. You can also find other cool, and cute blogcrews there. ^-^

The Holy Code:
「claim here」 http://rainbow-legends.livejournal.com/5820.html">effortlessly stole my heart away.
I love him for that, but I hate him for not taking me away too.

I won't make a list.

Please. Just tell me if you're going to take the code.
Yeah. I want you all to spam me. *laughs*

!public, !blogcrew

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