Advent challenge; fic 21.

Dec 25, 2011 09:11

Title: Christmas Morning
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Remus can occassionally still act like a child; Christmas morning is one of those times.
Characters/ Pairings: Remus, Tonks, Sirius
Prompt: present opening
Genre: friendship, gen
Rating: g
Word count: 321

Remus was woken by a loud series of thuds and bangs on Christmas morning.
He groaned, pulling the covers over his head. A nice lie in, that was the only thing he had wanted…
“I’m okay!” he heard from downstairs.
Rolling his eyes, he peeked out at his alarm clock, which read 6:30am.
This was ridiculous. Of course, trust Tonks to get up before dawn like an excitable five year old. He, on the other hand, was a grown up, and appreciated sleep more than presents.
His bedroom door smashed open.
“REMUS!” Sirius yelled, pulling the duvet away from over his head. “Get out of bed, its Christmas! There are presents! And there’s a huge one for you! HUGE I SAY!”
Remus opened one eye.
“It’s the biggest one there.” Sirius sounded a little put out about that fact.
Maybe he could spend one day acting his shoe size instead of his actual age.
“I’m up!” clambering out of bed, he raced past Sirius and down the stairs, his friend in hot pursuit.
“What is it Remus? What it is?”
“It’s from me!” Tonks said proudly, pointing to the corner before adjusting her red and green checkered Christmas boxer shorts.
It really was huge; almost as tall as the Christmas tree. With more excitement than he’d felt over Christmas in years, Remus eagerly pulled away the Christmas paper, revealing a large brown box. Ripping the tape away, he was instantly flooded with and covered by what seemed like millions of chocolate bars.
“It’s a year’s supply of chocolate! Happy Christmas!” Tonks said cheerily.
“Thanks.” Remus replied dryly. It was a wonderful gift and all, but now he was covered in chocolates, one of which he thought might have broken his nose as it was flung from the box.
He would never live it down if he told people the bruises were from being hit with an oncoming hoard of chocolate.

genre: friendship, character: sirius black, character: nymphadora tonks, genre: gen, advent challenge, character: remus lupin, fandom: harry potter

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