It's a dry heat

Jun 03, 2004 18:47

Now is the time for all native Arizonans to roll down their windows and drive around with the air conditioner off, sneering at the wussy snowbirds who think 110 is hot. Or at least, it's time for me to do that. We do have the air conditioning on at home, but we keep it set above 80.

We're gonna see Prisoner of Azkaban tomorrow, along with half ( Read more... )

personal, btvs/ats, meta, writing, movies

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Comments 40

evil_little_dog June 3 2004, 19:00:49 UTC
There is an Ash Daily - check my friend's list. It's THERE. And new. And shiny. :-)

BTW, completely O.T. from your post but I was thinking about your Massive Buffy Project and thought that perhaps describing the Buffys by various clothing/hair styles they may have. My Buffy, after all, has blue hair. Possibly blue and white but definitely not blond. And doesn't wear the pastel colors any more, at all. And has that tattoo of Angel's eyes across her back.

Just a thought.


rahirah June 3 2004, 19:11:18 UTC
I was going to ask you about that--is it dyed, or the result of some magic thingy? i.e. is she going to have dark roots after they've been there for a few weeks?

I've been seriously considering making the prison one long hotel corridor, and calling them by their room numbers. >:) I need to figure out the logistics--for maximum fun, I need to have them able to talk and interact reasonably freely, but I also need to have something preventing certain of them from killing the others in their sleep. *g*. Hmm. Possibly W&H hired the Transuding Furies to do one of those anti-demon-violence spells...and it would work, since Slayers are part demon. hee.

Hey, Harmonyfb, if you're reading this, what would you think of Vamp!Buffy's Spike being the one who betrayed her to W&H?


harmonyfb June 3 2004, 19:23:56 UTC
Hey, Harmonyfb, if you're reading this, what would you think of Vamp!Buffy's Spike being the one who betrayed her to W&H?

Oooo. Yeah. Big yeah. Hmm. Would she see that as a bad thing (he betrayed me!) or a good thing? (the soul is out, he's evil again, he'll be back to worshipping me any day now).


rahirah June 3 2004, 19:46:07 UTC
This would be taking place a mere two years after Spike turned her, so the soul would still be in. But she might see it as an encouraging sign that he was getting over the whole soul thing. >:)


missmurchison June 3 2004, 19:06:47 UTC
Better to have characters that are fucking wonderful rather than just fucked up, my dear. (Sorry, I'm having a very profane week.)

I was at the Slayage Conference last week, and I hope your ears were burning in a nice way. Your fic was mentioned by lots of admiring people, and one of the organizers came close to squeeing when she found out you'd updated since she last checked.


rahirah June 3 2004, 20:08:08 UTC
Really? (stupid, dorky grin here)


missmurchison June 3 2004, 21:24:19 UTC
Really. And most of the comments were along the lines of "Barb? I love her writing!" (Some of the time, that was me, of course.) Also, specific praise for the way you wrote vamp Willow. I think you were mentioned in one of the papers I didn't get to hear because of my not-lost luggage problem (the boring story is on my lj), but I've asked for copies. I still haven't gotten them, though.


sillymagpie June 3 2004, 20:25:21 UTC
Love the icon! Um, are tips 1-3 available to be seen anywhere? (eager puppy dog eyes)


harmonyfb June 3 2004, 19:21:40 UTC
I know I don't suck. But I do often feel like I'm nowhere near dark and and angsty enough to qualify as one of the Cool Writers.)

Nay, nay, you are incredibly cool! Just wait till I do my creepy fangirl stalking thing to you at Writercon. ;)

I like that your characters aren't shouldering Marti Noxon's relationship issues. I like it just fine.


rahirah June 3 2004, 19:49:06 UTC
This is going to be sad, because there will be circle stalking going on. >:)


jmatonak June 3 2004, 19:46:48 UTC
Fucked up...

I guess the idea is that someone can read something and go, okay, at least I'm not as bad off as that guy. I don't get it.

I happen to think that many of your versions of the characters are pretty fucked up. No offense. I mean, Willow botched a suicide-by-vampire. That's fucked up. I guess what you mean by "ongoing fucked-uppedness" is an unceasing tendency to wallow. It's your story, but I don't want the wallow thing. I need people to eventually shut up and take care of business. Especially if they're heroes and warriors-of-the-people and shit.

Dear fictional characters: If you're doing things that make you unhappy, stop doing them. If the things that make you happy will alienate mainstream society, tell mainstream society to go fuck itself! It's fun! And if you really can't hack it anymore, I recommend a long walk off a short pier. Because I'm fucked up.

If you'll excuse me, I have to go write "Jesse + Willow 4 eva!" on a notebook twenty or thirty times.


rahirah June 3 2004, 19:54:44 UTC
Well, there's little chance of wallowing, because it makes my teeth itch. I'm just going to have to live with my deficiencies. >:)


sillymagpie June 3 2004, 20:20:37 UTC
Yes, we have tickets! The e-mail I sent about them has apparently been sucked up by the Black Hole of the Internet, to be spit out at a random time later.

Oh, well. there is always chocolate.

My gods! That's what I'm missing in my life! Must...have...CHOCOLATE!



evil_little_dog June 4 2004, 10:44:33 UTC
Chocolate solves sooooo many problems.

So does the DVD of Tombstone with added extra goodies, including footage.



I'll Be Your Huckleberry sillymagpie June 4 2004, 13:36:41 UTC
I can see that. Why, why, why did old style Western wear go out of fashion? Men looked so darn good in those outfits. Sigh. It is to weep. :-(



Re: I'll Be Your Huckleberry evil_little_dog June 4 2004, 18:18:33 UTC
Oh, I agree. So much more stylish than say, well, nearly anything. I made my ex-husband dress in what was basically Doc's outfit when we got married. Still love that outfit, though the husband's looooong gone.


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