Jul 31, 2015 10:48

I actually have five thousand words of POM chapter 13 written. :is stunned: They're five thousand crappy first draft words, but they're THERE ( Read more... )

fic discussion, writing

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Comments 16

the_moonmoth July 31 2015, 18:09:39 UTC
Ha, I hear you :) I've had to significantly lower my standards in recent months, having apparently chomped up all the existing (& completed) quality fic. It is a sad time in the fandom life cycle. But still, there is just some stuff I cannot stomach :-/

Yay PoM progress *cheering you on*


rahirah August 1 2015, 00:57:04 UTC
You probably have, but have you checked out Older archive, rigorously curated. It's all good stuff. Alas, the maintainer left fandom ages ago and I live in fear it will disappear one of these days.


ljs July 31 2015, 18:30:29 UTC
Happy Friday!

(I have come to think that it's worse reading something that SHOULD be one's jam but is SO NOT rather than reading something that one knows going in is not one's jam and being pleasantly surprised by not loathing it.)


rahirah August 1 2015, 00:59:30 UTC
Very true, alas!


torrilin July 31 2015, 19:27:13 UTC
I'm not gonna complain about 5000 words of first draft :D. It means maybe there can be polished words!

Dare I ask what fic spawned the horrified back button? Coz I'm starting to realize that my horrified back button trigger is lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of the characters thinking. And not punching bad guys. I mean, we do think and all. And I get that sometimes the thinking bits are necessary. But I'm pretty lazy, and I don't spend all my time in nice clear meditative thought. And when I am using my very fourth rate super abilities, I really am not doing much nice clear meditative thinking. So if the characters are working on being monks and nuns with how much they're meditating, I'll tend to get cranky.


rahirah August 1 2015, 01:02:30 UTC
Nah, it's no worse than hundreds of other fics; no reason to single it out. It just happened to have a Plot Device I Like in the description, so I was just more than usually let down when it didn't pan out.


torrilin August 1 2015, 19:57:21 UTC
Yeah, those favorite plot devices always can get me to take chances.


slaymesoftly July 31 2015, 19:56:16 UTC
Words are words! They can be rearranged and polished later. I can read a lot of stuff that probably shouldn't/wouldn't appeal to me, if the characters ring true. Which, for me, includes, actions, dialogue, and thoughts. And if they don't, I don't care how wonderful the fic is supposed to be, I'm not going to like or want to read it if I don't recognize the characters I love.


rahirah August 1 2015, 01:04:58 UTC
Yeah. I get why people write that sort of story, but... heck, I was stunned when Comics!Buffy just stopped being snide to Spike this season. If she ever actually tells Angel off for anything, I'll probably faint. It just wouldn't happen.


cornerofmadness July 31 2015, 21:47:26 UTC
yay for writing


rahirah August 1 2015, 01:05:16 UTC
I hope I don't jinx it!


cornerofmadness August 1 2015, 02:24:07 UTC
good luck


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