Fic vs Meta

Jun 27, 2015 16:43

It occurred to me the other day that although I've written a lot of meta in my day, I can probably count on the fingers of one hand the times I've actually changed someone's mind about something via that route. Usually with meta, you're preaching to the choir. That's something I've known for a long time, to the point that on contentious subjects ( Read more... )

meta, fic discussion

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Comments 61

velvetwhip June 27 2015, 23:50:29 UTC
I've gotten that kind of feedback myself, so I think you're onto something with the idea that fic is more of a change agent than meta.



rahirah July 2 2015, 19:32:07 UTC
Heh, well, not for everyone, to judge by the replies I'm getting.


slaymesoftly June 28 2015, 00:16:23 UTC
LOL Perfect. And sadly true.


rahirah July 2 2015, 19:32:15 UTC


the_moonmoth June 28 2015, 00:24:51 UTC
Heh heh heh, very true. You have changed my mind on a couple of things, but mostly small stuff I guess, details.

The other thing about fic is that it gives you the chance to read about an actual example of Thing, whereas in meta you're just arguing hypotheticals


rahirah July 2 2015, 19:33:26 UTC
The other thing about fic is that it gives you the chance to read about an actual example of Thing, whereas in meta you're just arguing hypotheticals.

Ooh, that's a very good point.


readerjane June 28 2015, 00:32:34 UTC
You are very wise.


rahirah July 2 2015, 19:33:51 UTC
Depends on who you ask. *g*


(The comment has been removed)

rahirah July 2 2015, 19:34:00 UTC


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