It was only a matter of time

Mar 17, 2013 20:06

In the comments section of the Veronica Mars kickstarter, a bitter male fan is going off about Veronica/Logan and how women always go for assholes instead of Nice Guys Like Him. And sure enough Buffy/Spike gets namechecked almost immediately ( Read more... )

tv, the stupid it burns

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Comments 41

velvetwhip March 18 2013, 03:20:25 UTC
Don't get me started. On a side note, guys who are "Nice Guys" because they think it means women owe them endless sex/a relationship/babies and a house in the country just for being "Nice" (note use of quotes) are not actually nice at all. They are passive aggressive manipulators and this is why women run far and fast away from them.



varina8 March 18 2013, 04:30:12 UTC
This! This!


kikimay March 18 2013, 11:08:16 UTC
Somebody please told them this!


rahirah March 18 2013, 15:01:26 UTC
Oh, there was a rousing argument going last night. I expect they'll all get deleted if anyone's moderating the comments.


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rahirah March 18 2013, 14:49:08 UTC
You are so Zen. *g*


zanthinegirl March 18 2013, 04:06:57 UTC
I'm with you except for Jack Harkness not being Angel. That's just crazy enough to intrigue me!


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rahirah March 18 2013, 15:00:03 UTC
See reply below. *g*


rahirah March 18 2013, 14:59:48 UTC
That was part of a strained attempt by a Spangel shipper to turn Jack/John/Doctor into Angel/Spike/Buffy, and it... didn't really work. Although yeah, there are more parallels between Jack and Angel than the other two pairs. But the relationship between Angel and Buffy is not at all like the relationship between Jack and the Doctor.


sp23 March 18 2013, 04:25:27 UTC
The sad fact is that good guys on tv are often boring guys, and the bad boys are often very charming with hints of better selves, so they're more interesting. And it doesn't hurt that they are often very pretty.

Also, tv =/= reality, and that guy is probably a schlub that no chick wants anyway. LOL


rahirah March 18 2013, 14:56:50 UTC
The funny thing is, the vast majority of the time I like the good guy better. I'll take Superman over Batman, or Hurley over Sawyer, any day of the week. Well, actually I would take Wonder Woman and Juliet, but you get my drift. Spike is a weird exception.


slaymesoftly March 18 2013, 15:24:42 UTC

I have to admit to having (in RL) a weakness for the bad boys who have a hidden sweeter/softer side. Although I married a nice guy. (not sure what that says about me....)

I never watched VM, so have no dog in that fight, but I really can't see anything but the most broadly stretched comparisons between Doctor/Jack/John and Angel/Spike/Buffy (or whichever way it should go.)


rahirah March 18 2013, 16:19:41 UTC
It always seemed to me that proclaiming any character "The new Spike!" or a relationship "Spuffy done RIGHT!" was a recipe for tears. :P


eilowyn March 18 2013, 04:29:39 UTC
But don't you know every Brooding Hero, Fierce Heroine and Bad Boy = every other Brooding Hero, Fierce Heroine and Bad Boy? And I will always love Claudia for totally shooting my thesis about the analogous couples to pieces.

We need more Juliet Burkes. Throw a fourth corner in the triangle and things get really cray cray.


rahirah March 18 2013, 14:54:31 UTC
Not a triangle fan, me. *g*


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