It was only a matter of time

Mar 17, 2013 20:06

In the comments section of the Veronica Mars kickstarter, a bitter male fan is going off about Veronica/Logan and how women always go for assholes instead of Nice Guys Like Him. And sure enough Buffy/Spike gets namechecked almost immediately.

What is this, 2004?

(For the record, I got heartily sick of people comparing BtVS and VM back in the day, regardless of which show they favored. I do not think Veronica = Buffy or that Logan = Spike. Nor does Buffy = The Doctor and Jack Harkness = Angel. Or that Damon, Elena, and Stefan = Lestat, Louis, and Claudia = Sookie, Bill and Eric. EVERYONE = THEMSELVES, OK?)

Talk to me

tv, the stupid it burns

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