
Sep 30, 2003 22:00

I have got to work out some more ergonomic setup for my computer here. Maybe just get a taller chair or something, but this has got to stop. I've been doing a lot of work with the graphics tablet in the last couple of days, and there's no place to put it, so i have to hold it at weird angles or lay it in my lap, and I have knots all through my ( Read more... )

personal, art, writing

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Comments 6

sillymagpie October 1 2003, 04:58:18 UTC
I have got to work out some more ergonomic setup for my computer here. Maybe just get a taller chair or something, but this has got to stop.

I have deep sympathy for you, and it starts all the way down in my lower back.

I'd suggest getting a rolling plastic file cabinet/table from Office Max, but then you'd have to put it somewhere out of the way--and there's no such place in your bedroom. Have you considered clearing off the drafting table in the other room and leveling it out to serve as a desk? You aren't using it for drafting, and it certainly has enough space for all your computer needs. I'm not sure about the electric outlets, tho'.

Yay on having air conditioning!

Poor Barb. I think you have problems with Angel because you really don't like him. You've mindmelded too deeply with Spikey-woo to see him as anything but a wanker. ;-P

Hurrah, AtS will be starting tomorrow! Whee!



rahirah October 1 2003, 05:20:55 UTC
Well, no, I like Angel just fine when he's not moping over Buffy. I've decided, re-watching season 2, that I am totally an Angel/Darla person. No matter how hard the writers try to convince us Angel never loved Darla, actions speak louder than words, and all Angel's actions show that he was passionately devoted to her for centuries, went through hell to try and save her, intended to stick with her to the last, etc. Whereas give him a chance to stay with Buffy and he can't get out of Sunnydale fast enough ( ... )


sillymagpie October 1 2003, 05:34:27 UTC
Well, no, I like Angel just fine when he's not moping over Buffy. I've decided, re-watching season 2, that I am totally an Angel/Darla person.

Oh, I agree with you completely there. I think both his affair with Buffy and his attraction to Kate stemmed from his desire for a Darla substitute whom he could love without guilt. That's why his affection for Cordy was so interesting--a Darla substitute she was not. I'd really love for him to put the entire Buffy business behind him-- if the authors will let him.

I just don't much enjoy writing broody, guilt-ridden characters, and Angel is all about the guilt.

Sometimes he forgets to be broody and guilt-ridden. Poor boy really needs therapy. Or an epiphany that takes.

Besides, I've got to tease you about Angel, girl. There have been times when you've been discussing him and looked like you were about to spit. (grin)

It's got layers. Like an onion. >:)

And Spike has layers like a parfait?
(grin, duck, run far away)



rahirah October 1 2003, 05:44:31 UTC
Hey, there ain't nobody who don't like a parfait. >:)

It's not Angel that ticks me off so much as the way some fans feel that in order to maintain Angel's rep, they gotta bash my Spikey. ::pets Spike:: Poor Angel just ends up taking the rap.


typographer October 1 2003, 07:15:13 UTC
It is amazing how much a higher chair can help.

Or you could try Maggie's drafting table idea.


ljs October 1 2003, 11:34:26 UTC
I feel your lack of ergonomics. I too have the wrong chair for my computer desk and not enough room, so that the neck pain is often unpleasant.

Yoga, maybe, to counteract? It can work for me.

Yes, the whole Angel-POV thing can be tricky.... Sigh. I'm sure yours is brill. :-)


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