
Sep 30, 2003 22:00

I have got to work out some more ergonomic setup for my computer here. Maybe just get a taller chair or something, but this has got to stop. I've been doing a lot of work with the graphics tablet in the last couple of days, and there's no place to put it, so i have to hold it at weird angles or lay it in my lap, and I have knots all through my neck and shoulders now. Bitch, whine, moan. On the bright side, all but one of the illustrations are finished, and I should get the last one taken care of by tomorrow.

I brilliantly saved us from paying many dollars for air conditioner repair by noticing that the reason the air conditioner wasn't working was that the door to the unit was loose, thus preventing the dead man's switch that feeds it power from closing. We would have felt pretty darn stupid if the repair man had shown up and charged us seventy-five bucks to close a door.

Still bashing away on chapter 3. I have trouble writing Angel at the best of times, and now I'm in a weird place where I'm trying not to let the spoilers for AtS influence me unduly, 'cause things turned out very differently in the Barbverse...however, the scene is working much better from Angel's POV, and that's letting me work in some other necessary stuff.

personal, art, writing

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