Oct 05, 2011 20:37
Fuck. Well, at least it didn't get my hair.
Sep 20, 2011 23:45
I think I needa think of some new pranks for this comin' weekend. Las' weekend was kinda borin' and dull and Sunday evening went by in a blur thanks to someone
Buuuu' I think of some of tha' later. For now, jus' gonna si' 'ere and make some more wa'er bombs.
(ooc: strikes deleted)
Sep 14, 2011 20:04
I've figured out why Bunta's obsessed with sweets.
He's a girl. Through and through.
So, to help him-- her feel more comfortable, the new appropriate honorfic is 'chan'. Be sure to use it.
Sep 06, 2011 06:54
The days inbetween officially suck. The weekends are the only good part now.
Next weekend should be good, though, huh, Bunta?
Sep 05, 2011 02:38
That was rather pleasant. Even with Hiroshi's rude interruption.
Bunta, my room tonight again?
Aug 28, 2011 00:15
Fuck, my head hurts. Tha' floor is fuckin' hard. Thank God there's ice here. Makes it a li'l' more bearable, but I still ain' gettin' outta bed until I needta.
Well, how was tha' fer an interestin' game?
(ooc: strikes deleted)
Aug 19, 2011 17:54
I got bored again.
The entire place is a giant ticking timebomb, and I'm the only one who knows how to not to set anything off. It's the best part of what I do.
And don't bother trying to do what I do. It doesn't guarantee you'll be safe~
Aug 02, 2011 19:16
Welp. Saw thatun coming a mile away. Enjoy your torture. Imma sleep and enjoy some peace and quiet.
Oh. Andya might wanna watch out if you decide to have another pillow fight. Or do anything really. I go' bored.
Jul 20, 2011 19:57
Nothing else to do, huh?
What's the point in using these when we're all in the same space?