SPN Fic: Abandoned (1/1)

Oct 19, 2011 20:32

Title: Abandoned
Category/genre: Gen, pre-series, hurt!dean
Rating: R for violence and swearing
Characters: Dean, John, mentions of Sam
Summary: Set immediately after Sam leaves for Stanford. John and Dean aren’t handling it well.
Warnings: Abusive!John, themes of past child abuse

Word Count: 1170
Disclaimer: Supernatural and its ( Read more... )

hurt!dean, supernatural fanfiction

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Comments 22

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rafikiven October 20 2011, 18:39:21 UTC
Yeah I just couldn't help with the whumpage in this one


teardrop_tattoo October 20 2011, 03:16:13 UTC

Holy Jeeze. That was amazing. Also Ow. Ow. It hurts me where my heart is.


rafikiven October 20 2011, 18:49:18 UTC
Oh noes! *hands band-aid*


jedi_diplomat October 20 2011, 05:00:33 UTC
Wow! Usually I'm not a big fan of abusive!John, but you did this so in character of the first 2 seasons and still made him abusive. I love the way it hurts and breaks and the fact that John feels so incredibly remorseful afterwards.

Great job!


rafikiven October 20 2011, 18:50:14 UTC
Thank you! And welcome to the dark side. *Heehee*


purple_carpets October 20 2011, 05:44:18 UTC
I love this! Ahem...in a not at all fucked-up, scary sort of way.

You pretty much nailed my headcanon of John being somewhat abusive for most of Dean's childhood and then suddenly stopping. And it'd be just like Dean to see it as his dad loving him, as another way he gets to take care of him *sigh* I love it when he's all broken and doesn't even realize...


rafikiven October 20 2011, 18:55:14 UTC
LOL, I think your headcanon and mine are twins.

I read half your fics last week and then said "where's one taking place right when Sam leaves?" You didn't have one so I had to write it myself!


rafikiven October 20 2011, 20:44:02 UTC

Oh of course that one! But that's the one that got me looking for it in the first place! I ♥ that one! I was like "now i need to see some Sam leaving whumpage."


countess_k October 20 2011, 07:05:22 UTC
Really loved this. Also loved the flashback to the past and Dean imagining Sam in the room. Poor Dean, so in character for him to play the whipping boy to help John cope with the loss.


rafikiven October 20 2011, 18:59:31 UTC
Yeah, I'm beginning to suspect that the boy has some issues. ;-)

I'm glad you liked it and thanks for letting me know!


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