коллеция Мерцбахер в Иерусалиме, 2013

Dec 15, 2020 17:50

7 сентября 2013 г. Иерусалим, Музей Израиля.

Выставка коллекции Габриэллы и Вернера Мерцбахер (Werner and Gabrielle Merzbacher) «Одичавший цвет». Фовизм и экспрессионизм. Группы: фовисты, «Мост», «Синий всадник».

(30 ноября 2013 г. мы ещё раз побывали на выставке, снимки также добавлены в альбом. Здесь хороша видна развеска.)

Старые репортажи на эту тему, 2013 г.: https://raf-sh.livejournal.com/1179727.html, картинки там в большинстве уже не видны.


Ссылка на весь альбом 2013_09_07_(and_11_30)_Jerusalem_Museum_Color-Gone-Wild_Merzbacher, НАЖАТЬ !!! ...

Художники и произведения, а также описание со страницы музея:

Морис Вламинк (Maurice de Vlaminck, 1876-1958)
"Танцовщица из кафе "Дохлая крыса"", 1905-1906
"Сена у Пека", 1905
"Сбор картофеля", 1905-1907

Жорж Брак (Georges Braque, 1882-1963)
"Пейзаж у л'Эстак", 1906

Андре Дерен (André Derain, 1880-1954)
"Лондонский мост", 1905-1906
"Лодки в порту Кольюр", 1905
"Дерево. Пейзаж с берегом реки", 1905

Эрих Хеккель (Erich Heckel, 1883-1970)
"Уличная сцена на мосту", 1916
"Компания на отдыхе", 1909
"Красные крыши (Дома, Дангаст)", 1909

Макс Пехштейн (Max Pechstein, 1881-1955)
"Красная баня", 1910

Карл Шмидт-Ротлуф (Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, 1884-1976)
"Цветущие деревья", 1909
"Въезд", 1910

Эмиль Нольде (Emil Nolde, 1867-1956)
"Цветник", 1922
"Цветник - женщина в фиолетовом платье", 1908

Эрнст Людвиг Кирхнер (Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1880-1938)
"Девочка с кошкой (Франци)", 1910
"Две розовых обнажённых у озера Моритцбург", 1909-1920
"Две обнажённых на синем диване", 1910/1920
"Моноциклистка", ок. 1911
"Обнажённая, сидящая со скрещёнными ногами", 1912, сикаморовое дерево и чёрная краска

Макс Бекманн (Max Beckmann, 1884-1950)
"Красные тюльпаны и тигровые лилии", 1935
"Женщина с красным кочетом", 1941

Анри Матисс (Henri Matisse, 1869-1954)
"Интерьер в Кольюре", 1905

Алексей фон Явленский (Alexej von Jawlensky, 1864-1941)
"Женщина в жёлтой соломенной шляпе", ок. 1910
"Девушка в сером фартуке", 1909
"Елена в тёмно-синем тюрбане", 1910
"Абстрактная голова", 1929
"Лицо Спасителя", ок. 1917
"Мистическая голова (Голова девушки)", ок. 1917

Франц Марк (Franz Marc, 1880-1916)
"Пейзаж с домом, собакой и коровой", 1914

Василий Кандинский (Wassily Kandinsky, 1866-1944)
"Осенний пейзаж с лодками", 1908
"Мурнау, Кёхльгруберштрассе", 1908
"Горный пейзаж с деревней I", 1908
"Мурнау, улица", 1908
"Мурнау, пейзаж с теплицей", 1909
"Мурнау, сад II", 1910
"Два всадника и лежащая фигура", 1909-1910
"Композиция II", 1913
"Пейзаж и всадник с копьём", 1908

Франтишек Купка (František Kupka, 1871-1957)
"Форма в жёлтом (Нотр-Дам)", 1911

Пауль Клее (Paul Klee, 1879-1940)
“Восход Луны - закат Солнца”, 1919

Габриэль Мюнтер (Gabriele Münter, 1877-1962)
"Закат над Штаффельзее", ок. 1910-1911

Со страницы музея:

Color Gone Wild
Fauve and Expressionist Masterworks from the Merzbacher Collection
06 Jul 2013 - 11 Jan 2014

• Curator: Dr. Adina Kamien-Kazhdan
• Lotte and Walter Floersheimer Gallery for Impressionist Art

The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, will showcase Fauve and Expressionist paintings from one of the world’s most notable private collections of modern art in the exhibition Color Gone Wild: Fauve and Expressionist Masterworks from the Merzbacher Collection. On view through November 2, 2013, the exhibition features works by major Fauve and Expressionist artists from high points in their careers, including paintings by Georges Braque, André Derain, Alexej Jawlensky, Wassily Kandinsky, Henri Matisse, and Maurice Vlaminck, among others. Fifteen years following the collection’s public debut at the Israel Museum, Color Gone Wild provides a focused examination of forty-two collection highlights, including important works acquired since then, all linked by a vivid use of vibrant color as a vehicle for emotional expression. “Since its first public presentation at the Israel Museum in 1998, the Merzbacher Collection has been universally embraced for its exceptional quality, comprising paintings that trace the history of color in the 20th century,” said James S. Snyder, the Anne and Jerome Fisher Director of the Israel Museum. “The works on view in Color Gone Wild are linked by their intensity of color and their emotional expressiveness-reflecting Werner and Gabrielle Merzbacher’s persisting passion for collecting artworks by some of the most pioneering artists of the 20th century. We are deeply grateful to the Merzbachers for making the presentation of this extraordinary display possible.” Color Gone Wild reflects the Merzbachers’ aesthetic passions. Their interest in collecting was spurred initially by Mrs. Merzbacher’s grandparents, staunch supporters of the avant-garde who amassed a small but stunning collection of modern art. The modern masterpieces on view in this presentation are unified by their brilliantly contrasting hues and energized brushwork.

Though differing in subject matter, the paintings all demonstrate a freedom from the social and artistic conventions of their time and a vision of art as socially and spiritually transforming. The exhibition opens with Fauve painting, leading then to the two groups of Expressionists, The Bridge (Die Brücke) and the Blue Rider (Der Blaue Reiter), emphasizing the contemporaneous preoccupation of these painters with expressive color, bold brushstrokes, and innovative composition. Included in the exhibition are two keystones of the Merzbacher collection: Blooming Trees (1909) by Karl Schmidt Rottluf and Interior at Collioure (1905) by Henri Matisse. The acquisition of Blooming Trees marked a significant break in the Merzbachers’ earlier collecting practice, which initially favored works by Social Realists and colorful Impressionists. Shortly thereafter, the arrival on loan from Mrs. Merzbacher’s parents of Matisse’s Interior at Collioure further established the foundation for the Merzbachers’ new collecting focus and fueled their search for seminal Fauve and Expressionist works, as well as paintings from related art movements. Approximately one quarter of the works in Color Gone Wild were purchased following the collection’s public debut in 1998 and have never been seen in Israel. Among the newly acquired works in the exhibition is Wassily Kandinsky’s Two Hoursemen and a Lying Person (1909-1910), an early work that demonstrates the artist’s inclination towards abstraction with its bold simplification of figures and heightened use of color. Also on view are Girl with Cat (1910) and Two Nudes on a Blue Sofa (1910-20) by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, which in their crude, non-naturalistic depictions of contemporary bohemian life reflect the artist’s attempts to break from the traditional academic style of the age. Another work that marks a shift in artistic practice is Maurice de Vlaminck’s Potato Pickers (ca. 1905-07), an example of the artist’s trend towards “deconstructing” the physical landscape into violent streaks of color that convey a sense of motion. The exhibition will also showcase newly acquired paintings by Erich Heckel, Emil Nolde, and Max Beckmann.

“Gabrielle and I are deeply grateful for the opportunity to share our collection with the Israel Museum’s public and to spread the joy that emanates from these works,” said Werner Merzbacher. “As long-time friends of the Israel Museum, we consider this exhibition a kind of homecoming, fifteen years following our collection’s public debut in Jerusalem, and a gesture of our ongoing support for a museum that is dear to us.” Color Gone Wild will be on view within the Museum’s collection galleries, as a preamble to its permanent display of the art of the 20th century. The exhibition is an extension of a longstanding relationship between the Israel Museum and the Merzbachers, dating back to Mr. Merzbacher’s extended term as the Founding President of the Swiss Friends of the Israel Museum. In 1986, the Merzbacher’s gifted the Dr. Julius and Hilde Merzbacher Gallery for Israeli Art.

The exhibition and catalogue are made possible by the donors to the Museum’s 2013 Exhibition Fund: Claudia Davidoff, Cambridge, MA, in memory of Ruth and Leon Davidoff, Hanno D. Mott, New York, and The Nash Family Foundation, New York. Additional support is provided by The Ministry of Culture and Sport, Israel.

This entry was originally posted at https://raf-sh.dreamwidth.org/1508420.html.

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