Just watched Primal Fear. I will never, never tire of Edward Norton. -----------------------------------------
So.. I'm 22 today, thank you all for the greetings.♥ They kept me sane. And of course alcohol does nothing these days, so I just danced my ass off because I've nothing else.
So it's been a day after Christmas, and there is not a sign of Christmas in my house anywhere. Except perhaps for the sagging poinsettia displayed on the coffee table that was a gift from the merrymakers at our house last last night. Even the fruit cake that nobody wants to eat is completely consumed, the red and green gift wrap thrown away with
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So, the month of November has drawn to a close. For most people, this signals Christmas. For me, it mostly means the end of Hell Month, I suppose so very aptly culminating with me tiredly making sure that I don't flunk
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I think that my brain is connected to my heart. There is no "emotional Nice" and "practical Nice". There's one Nice that has both of these aspects. (and you know I'm being weird because I'm now talking in the third person
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