This post was not only prompted by a remarkably stupid NY Times review of the "Game of Thrones" TV series, in which the reviewer thought the story was a polemic against global warming, claimed that women don't like fantasy, and further claimed that women do love sex, so the sex was gratuitously crammed in to please them
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Comments 89
That being said, I overall agree that men seem more likely to be dual marketed. I've seen it done for Robin McKinley and Patricia C. Wrede (and Rowling, but Rowling is an exception to a lot of rules) but I think that's it.
I particularly like the Darwath books for putting a lot of focus on Gil, a PhD student in Medieval History whose scholarliness is important to the plot in any number of ways (I like academic types who kick butt).
My brother reads fantasy, too; he's read almost everything on my bookshelf, and I trend very heavily towards YA fantasy (less so to epic, but I have a decent collection), and he was definitely asking for a particular high fantasy series several years running. (Not having read them myself and currently unable to come up with either author or title, I can't say whether they're epic or not.) He's a pretty big Paolini fan, as well.
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