This post was not only prompted by a remarkably stupid NY Times review of the "Game of Thrones" TV series, in which the reviewer thought the story was a polemic against global warming, claimed that women don't like fantasy, and further claimed that women do love sex, so the sex was gratuitously crammed in to please them
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Comments 89
It's probably the reason I'm writing UF now.
That house now has at least one enormous-selling, female UF series. I had suggested to the editor that she try to get the first book under the general-fiction imprint instead of the fantasy imprint. I can't say as that caused the series to become bestselling, but I'm sure it didn't hurt. The marketing guys didn't know it was supposed to be a "girl" book, despite the leather-clad hottie on the cover, because it wasn't tagged "fantasy."
At any rate, I know lots of only-sometime-fantasy reading women who have read Rothfuss and Martin, because those are the writers that are bubbling out to mainstream readers, in a way that many of the midlist women's writers mentioned above are not. I do wonder, though, if the women in the midlist are still making up a v. significant portion of the overall subgenre's sales (I have to think so, especially looking at the list of, say, Orbit). But I have no way of knowing the answer with any certainty.
Having made a couple of substantive comments, let me also add a tiny pedantic correction: It's Brandon Sanderson, not Brian.
How about Tanya Huff? I know her more successful stuff was SF and Urban Fantasy, but I don't know how well her Quarters series did.
Another datapoint for the gender neutral set: Mickey Zucker Reichert
Mickey is 100% a man's name to me; I was shocked to discover by chance that she was an authoress.
I can't find the citation for this, but the story goes that Eddings's wife, Leigh, practically wrote all the books along with him but wasn't given credit on the cover because it was believed that men wouldn't want to read epic fantasy written by a woman. Her name appeared on some of the books written later in their careers.
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