Fic: The One That Got Away

May 30, 2011 05:26

Prison was lonely. Neal got that. But he wasn’t prepared for the aching physical need for human contact he felt. And in the darkest nights following his darkest days, sitting on his bunk desperately trying to get himself off, he didn’t welcome images of the man who’d caught him, either.

Yet they’d pop into his mind unbidden, pictures of Peter ( Read more... )

activity: mmom, fics, fandom: white collar, genre: pre-series, character: neal caffrey, genre: unrequited/ust, genre: pre-relationship, pairing: neal/peter

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Comments 6

coffeethyme4me May 30 2011, 14:09:45 UTC
Oooo, love every little bit of this! Brava!!


lionessvalenti May 30 2011, 14:53:23 UTC
This is great. I especially love that you included Bobby! Bobby should be in more fics! ;)

Mmmmm, yes, Neal, think about rimming Peter some more....


slashfanatic22 May 30 2011, 15:05:59 UTC
ooh! I love the prison angst! I think Neal has a fascination with Peter's mouth ;)


doctor_fangeek May 30 2011, 19:37:28 UTC
A bit of prison!angst is always a good thing, IMO. And I'll second the, "Yeah, Bobby" comment as well. He appeared so briefly in the Pilot, but I like him.


secretsolitaire May 31 2011, 02:53:02 UTC
“Bullshit,” he muttered as he came into the toilet.

Love how utterly unromanticized this is. *hugs Neal*


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