Fic: The One That Got Away

May 30, 2011 05:26

Prison was lonely. Neal got that. But he wasn’t prepared for the aching physical need for human contact he felt. And in the darkest nights following his darkest days, sitting on his bunk desperately trying to get himself off, he didn’t welcome images of the man who’d caught him, either.

Yet they’d pop into his mind unbidden, pictures of Peter Burke with his ill-fitting suits and ugly ties. His broad, capable hands and determined, brown eyes. The way his lips quirked when he found something funny - the way those lips might look stretched around Neal’s cock, or crying in ecstasy as Neal rimmed him.

He thought he’d obsess over Kate, but he was wrong. Sure, he thought about her, needed her, but late at night when sleep wouldn’t come, it was Burke who always appeared in his frenzied mind.

But why? He ought to hate the man. He’d exploited Neal’s biggest weakness to catch him. Was that why - because he’d bested him? Neal didn’t think so; he was not so arrogant.

Was it because he was out of reach, unattainable? Possibly, but he hated to think it could be so easily reduced to some cheap Oprah show psychoanalysis.

Maybe it was because he saw such possibilities there. Not for something between the two of them - he didn’t flatter himself to think these feelings would be reciprocated. No, Burke represented everything Neal could dream about but never have. Career, family, respect. A real life.

“Bullshit,” he muttered as he came into the toilet. But he knew it was true.

“Thinking about your girl, Neal?” Bobby the guard asked him sympathetically as he passed by on his rounds.

“The one that got away, Bobby,” Neal sighed, and rolled over to get some sleep.


Thank you for your time.

activity: mmom, fics, fandom: white collar, genre: pre-series, character: neal caffrey, genre: unrequited/ust, genre: pre-relationship, pairing: neal/peter

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