The first person I knew to do this was
kittikattie. When
rachel_renee started one, I began wondering wether or not I should use such a list in an effort to chronicle the progress of my own goals. It would certainly simplyfy things having only a single list check on, and putting my aspirations in writing would help to clearly define and focus on them.
So, I give you my list...
Goals of Reading
1. Complete Journey to the West Vol. 1
2. Complete Journey to the West Vol. 2
3. Complete Journey to the West Vol. 3
4. Complete Journey to the West Vol. 4
5. Purchase and complete the Iron Man "Armor Wars" TPB
6. Complete Star Trek: To Rule in Hell
7. Complete Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart
8. Restart and complete The Illiad
Goals of Emotional, Spiritual and Psychological Study
9. Finish studying How to Survive the Loss of a Love
10. Finish studying 52 Weeks of Conscious Contact
11. Begin and finish studying Life Strategies
12. Begin and finish studying Scripts People Live
13. Restart and establish a routine for studying The Artist's Way
14. Maintain routine for The Artists' Way for 4 months with 90% adherence. (Requires #13)
15. Maintain routine for The Artists' Way for 1 year with 90% adherence. (Requires #14)
16. Maintain routine for The Artists' Way for remainder with 90% adherence. (Requires #15)
Goals of Physicality
17. Establish an exercise routine for 3 workouts per week.
18. Maintain exercise routine for four months with 85% adherence. (Requires #17)
19. Maintain exercise routine for one year with 85% adherence. (Requires #18)
20. Maintain exercise routine for remainder of 1001 days with 85% adherence. (Requires #19)
21. Reduce weight to 200 lbs. (Current: 215)
22. Reduce weight to 185 lbs. (Current: 215) (Requires #21)
23. Maintain weight at 185 or less for remainder of 1001 days, barring weight gain from muscle mass. (Requires #22)
24. Practice a martial arts kata 5 times weekly for 1 month with 75% adherence.
25. Practice a martial arts kata 5 times weekly for 4 months with 85% adherence.(Requires #24)
26. Practice a martial arts kata 5 times weekly for 1 year with 85% adherence.(Requires #25)
27. Practice a martial arts kata 5 times weekly for remainder of 1001 days with 85% adherence.(Requires #26)
28. Increase relaxed bicep circumference to 16" (currently 15")
29. Increase relaxed bicep circumference to 16.5" (currently 15") (Requires #28)
30. Increase relaxed bicep circumference to 17" (currently 15") (Requires #29)
Goals of Religious Activity
31. Return to weekly Cursillo "4th Day" meetings.
32. Attend weekly Cursillo "4th Day" meetings with 90% adherence for 4 months. (Requires #31)
33. Attend weekly Cursillo "4th Day" meetings with 90% adherence for 1 year. (Requires #32)
34. Attend weekly Cursillo "4th Day" meetings with 90% adherence for remainder of 1001 days. (Requires #33)
35. Return to monthly Altreya gatherings.
36. Attend monthly Altreya gatherings with 50% adherence for 1 year. (Requires #35)
37. Attend monthly Altreya gatherings with 50% adherence for remainder of 1001 days. (Requires #36)
Private Goals
38. [PRIVATE] 99.5% adherence for totality of 1001 days.
39. [PRIVATE] (Time based. Completion: Sept. 1, 2007)
40. [PRIVATE] (Time based. Completion: Dec. 1, 2007)
41. [PRIVATE] (Requires #39)
42. [PRIVATE] (Requires #39 and #41)
43. [PRIVATE] (Requires #39-42)
Financial Goals
44. Pay off Capital One.
45. Pay off OLLU.
46. Pay off repo'd car.
Cartooning Goals
47. Resume "Active Stupor Heroes"
48. Produce one "Active Stupor Heroes" strip per week with 75% adherence for 4 months. (Requires #47)
49. Produce one "Active Stupor Heroes" strip per week with 75% adherence for 1 year. (Requires #48)
50. Produce one "Active Stupor Heroes" strip per week with 75% adherence for remainder of 1001 days. (Requires #49)
51. Finish "Active Stupor Heroes" story arc "Mutant Bug Saga." (Requires #47)
52. Begin and finish "Active Stupor Heroes" story arc "A Borg and His Dog."(Requires #51)
53. Begin "Active Stupor Heroes" story arc "Food Force Five Saga."(Requires #52)
54. Produce an "Active Stupor Heroes" mini-comic for distribution on Free Comic Book Day.
Fun/Travel Goals
55. Attend another Star Trek convention.
56. Attend another comic book convention.
57. Attend another anime convention.
58. Return to Las Vegas
59. See Barry Mannilow in Las Vegas (Requires #56)
Video Game Goals
60. Finish "Sonic the Hedgehog."
61. Finish "Sonic the Hedgehog 2."
62. Finish "Sonic the Hedgehog 3."
63. Finish "Sonic and Knuckles."
64. Finish "Sonic and Tails."
65. Finish "Street Fighter Alpha" with 85% of available characters.
66. Finish "Street Fighter Alpha 2" with 85% of available characters.
67. Finish "Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold" with 85% of available characters.
68. Finish "Street Fighter Alpha 3" with 85% of available characters.
69. Finish "Pocket Fighter" with 85% of available characters.
70. Unlock "Hyper Street Fighter Alpha"
71. Locate and purchase "Shadow Hearts: From the New World."
72. Finish "Shadow Hearts: From the New World."
73. Restart and finish "Max Payne 2."
74. Restart and finish "Dark Cloud 2."
75. Purchase and complete "Kingdom Hearts 3." (Not currently out.)
Goals of Theological Study
Old Testament / Tanakh
76. Become proficient in Hebrew alphabet.
77. Learn to speak and write 100 words in Hebrew. (requires #76)
78. Read the Torah in the original Hebrew.* (requires #77)
79. Read the Nevi'im in the original Hebrew.* (requires #77)
80. Read the Ketuvim in the original Hebrew.* (requires #77)
New Testament / Evangelion
81. Become proficient in Greek alphabet.
82. Learn to speak and write 100 words in Classical Greek. (requires #81)
83. Read the Gospels and Acts in the original Greek.* (requires #82)
84. Read the Epistles and Apocalypse in the original Greek.* (requires #82)
85. Read one page daily from the Talmud with 95% adherence for remainder of 1001 days after the reading of the Bible is complete. (Requires #76-84)
* Asistance through translitterations and included translations allowed.
Miscelleneous goals
86. Sing at a karaoke bar 4 times.
87. Play Vs. System once weekly with 55% adherence for totality of 1001 days.
88. Donate blood 6 times.
89. Participate in a 24-hour comic.
90. See five live concerts. (#59 can contribute to this.)
91. See the "Professor Chaos" episode of "South Park."
92. Produce an animated short film of at least two minutes' length.
93. Eat five things I have never eaten before.
94. Document a specific prediction that actually comes to pass.
95. Produce a full game worth at least 10 hours' play time with an RPG Maker program.
96. Convince someone to read a book I like.
97. Finish watching the TV series "Firefly."
98. Eat out 1 or fewer times per week with 90% adherence for the totality of the 1001 days.
99. Purchase Metallica's "Ride the Lightning" and "Metallica" on CD.
100. Purchase Brice's "Cabin Capers" and self-titled EP on CD
101. Dye hair blue.
There you go.
Start Date: Sunday, January 1, 2007
End Date: October 18, 2009