"FEED ME, Seymour!"

Jan 19, 2007 22:43

Have an interesting/exciting thing to report.

Most of you know that I am working to watch my calories and exercise and lose weight. I kind of ignored my quest for a while there, but I am hardcore back on track now.

Anyway, I really had a case of the munchies this evening. - I didn't give in to it, but I was really really craving snacks, ( Read more... )

my life, daily intake, stories

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Comments 11

upanashad January 20 2007, 05:14:19 UTC
You made a Little Shop of Horrors reference! I love you!

Good work with the diet. I...can't keep track of what I eat, I don't know how you guys do it.


r_a_l_i_g_h January 21 2007, 01:26:27 UTC
Heh. Blame it on my dad. Growing up he would ALWAYS make a reference like that whenever it was SLIGHTLY applicable.

For instance ... feeding any of my younger siblings as babies - oh, yeah, they got plane noises (including entire reenactments of WWII dogfights, crop dusters, rescue helicopters, and who knows what else .... my dad was VERY distracting at the dinner table!) - but more often than not, especially when they were too young to really pay attention - it was "FEED ME, Seymour!".

Oh, and then yardwork - one person scooping up the leaf piles, the other holding open a bag - yep, the black plastic trashbag ALSO became Audrey 2.


bluegreensmoke January 20 2007, 05:18:20 UTC
I then went back into the kitchen and fixed myself a nice frozen treat - put a orange, some blueberries, a cup or so of frozen raspberries, and about 1/2 cup of fatfree orange sherbert into the blender - it was DELICIOUS!

*jots down to remember for later*


r_a_l_i_g_h January 21 2007, 01:27:14 UTC
It was delightful! You could probably add yogurt to make it creamier, but I liked it as-is.


witchofthedogs January 20 2007, 12:24:28 UTC
Oh, that smoothie sounds wonderful!

Yeah, it's easy to run low on calories when you're trying to keep in that window that Spark allows... I've done it.



r_a_l_i_g_h January 21 2007, 01:29:31 UTC
Especially if you're not doing meats, dairy, fats, sugars, processed foods, etc.

You FEEL much fuller on 1000 calories of beans, rice, veggies, and fruit than you do on 1000 calories of that stuff.


witchofthedogs January 21 2007, 11:24:36 UTC

Though, I have to say that I did keep dairy in my routine... But I find I'm averaging about 1250 calories a day... And that includes having snacks and such.


r_a_l_i_g_h January 21 2007, 17:32:38 UTC
Oh, I do eat some dairy. Just, not a lot. (I mean, HALF an ounce of cheese adds like 60 calories)

I am going to try to make homemade yogurt this week - sans yogurt maker. Never done that before, so we'll see how it turns out.


maka2000 January 21 2007, 15:43:25 UTC
(PLUS... my Razzle-Dazzle-Delight only brought my calories up 1192 for the day!)
Oh good. My doctor wants me to keep at 1200 a day, at first I asked if I should do 1100 (according to this online BMI goal weight thing) but she said I could do 1200. I haven't been keeping track lately though, I need to get back into it. But yesterday I bought myself a stationary bike for home, so hopefully that'll help me on the exercise end of things. Good luck to you!


r_a_l_i_g_h January 21 2007, 17:37:06 UTC
I've done 1100-1200 a day AND exercised. It IS doable. (not always a lot of FUN, but doable!)

I don't think you should have a problem keeping to 1200 calories a day - especially if you eat veggies, fruits, and whole grains.

If you try to do that with meat as your main protein (especially red meat) and/or processed foods, you'll probably feel pretty hungry.

You're signed up on Spark, right? That'll help you keep track.

Good luck to YOU!


daynr January 22 2007, 16:23:05 UTC
You amaze me. I can get below 1500 but it's painful, and not just because I have to renounce booze.


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